About Us

Welcome to MobileMatters, your premier source for all things mobile gaming and mobile esports. We are your go-to destination for staying up-to-date with the latest news, in-depth guides, and videos about the world of handheld gaming. From classic titles like Clash of Clans and PUBG: Mobile, to the latest and greatest releases like Honkai Star Rail and Fortnite, and everything else in between, we have got you covered from A-Z.

We are more than just a website; we are a community of gamers sharing our love for the finest mobile gaming experiences. That said, you will find all that you need to know about your favorite games from our team of dedicated and passionate writers.

MobileMatters is a brand of the EarlyGame Group, a leading gaming and esports agency that operates content and editorial websites such as EarlyGame, Riftfeed, and ValorFeed. MobileMatters is in partnership with ESL FACEIT Group, the world's most renowned esports organizer who is responsible for competitive tournaments such as the Snapdragon Pro Series.

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  • Laureus




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Business & Tech

Fabian Furch

Former semi-professional Counter-Strike player, now again in gaming. After his business studies in Maastricht and Barcelona, a few years at a strategy consulting firm, and other entrepreneurial ventures, he now heads Partnerships, Sales, Content, Product & PR at the EarlyGame Group and Riftfeed.

Leopold Ingelheim

Passionate Social Media and Marketing guru leading EarlyGame's Finance, Marketing, HR, and Social Media activities.

Dominique Netters

Europe-based, freelance SWE. Making sure that MobileMatters runs stable. Might rewrite everything in COBOL for job security.

Sales & Partnerships

Henri Metzger

Munich-born and raised, I manage all the things on our partner & client side. Always glad to chat about WOW and LOL (or business, if you like that)!

Lars Levinger

Bullied by everyone for playing boomer games, but the joke's on them since I can do more push-ups than all of them, so I legally own this company.

Marketing & Social Media

Karlson Koenig

Festival-goer, electronic music connoisseur, and animal lover, who prides himself on his positive outlook on life.

Content Creation

Ivan Shahran

Ivan is the Content Lead for MobileMatters and provides coverage for titles such as Clash of ClansBrawl StarsClash Royale, and Wild Rift. In his role, he has written guides and news pieces and attended competitions such as ESL's Snapdragon Pro Series.

Hritwik Raj

Hritwik has been playing all kinds of games since childhood and is a self-proclaimed guru of all games. He is one of the Gaming Leads at MobileMatters who is always inclined towards souls games, shooters like Apex Legends and Call of Duty, RPGs and MMOs.

Mohammed AbuSafia

Mohammed, the gamer-writer, is on a mission to enhance your mobile gaming journey. He is an FPS enthusiast who enjoys crafting content for titles such as Fortnite, Valorant, Call of Duty Mobile, and more.

Nazarii Verbitskiy

Nazarii has a BA in International Relations, but his passion for mobile games has been with him since young as he played titles such as My Talking Tom and Subway Surfers. On MobileMatters, he works on guides for mobile games such as PUBG Mobile and EA FC Mobile.

Kim Berkemeyer

Ever since he got his first Game Boy in the 90s, Kim was into video games. Besides other games, he has a fable for Zelda and a love-hate relationship with World of Warcraft. Before joining EarlyGame, Kim worked as a writer, editor, and content manager for digital entertainment-related topics at Burda, a publishing house, for seven years.

Daniel Ribeiro

I've been gaming my whole life. I've also been awake since 1998 when I was 6 years old, and that white creep with six arms came out of the bottom of the well in Ocarina of Time. N64, Gamecube, and Halo are Life, but I am a Sony Boy. I have every single console of the past 25 years in my apartment though. I started video editing at the age of 15. Shows like The Biggest Loser or Germany's Next Topmodel were part of my everyday life at Prosieben...

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