Read this article and discover how to collect honey in Minecraft without being attacked by bees!

Added in December 2019, bees gained much recognition in Minecraft. They produce honey that not only quenches your thirst but also serves as a valuable crafting ingredient.
This comprehensive guide shows how to collect honey in Minecraft without being attacked by bees. We've explained multiple options, so by the end of the guide you can choose the best one.
Update: We have made minor updates to the guide on January 21, 2024.
How Do You Harvest Honey in Minecraft?

Bee Nest in Minecraft produces two resources: Honey and Honeycombs. To collect Honey, players need to use an Empty Bottle on a full Bee Hive.
To tell when the hive is ready to be harvested, just look at its texture. If you see the golden nectar spilling from the holes, it's time to harvest!
To get Honeycombs instead of Honey, follow the same instructions but replace the Empty Bottle with Shears.
How Do You Harvest Honey From a Beehive in Minecraft Without Being Attacked by Bees?

The easiest way to harvest honey from a Beehive without being attacked by bees is to use a campfire.
Not the fire is necessary, but the smoke that pacifies bees so they don't attack you while harvesting honey or beeswax.
Ensure to place the campfire at least two blocks away from the hive and then wait until smoke rises from the bottom.
I don't recommend placing a campfire closer than two blocks, as fire can harm flying bees or destroy the Beehive block.
Alternatively, gamers can use a dispenser filled with empty bottles to create a mini auto-farm to collect honey without attracting bees' attention.
However, this requires you to regularly replace empty bottles in a dispenser.
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