Dead by Daylight Mobile Killer Tier List (2024): All Killers Ranked From Best To Worst

Check out our killer tier list for Dead by Daylight Mobile (2024)!

These are the best killers in Dead by Daylight Mobile. | © Behaviour Interactive
These are the best killers in Dead by Daylight Mobile. | © Behaviour Interactive

Dead by Daylight Mobile recently re-released on all mobile platforms. NetEase and Behaviour Interactive so far seem to have knocked this new version of the game's launch out of the park. Being able to play the asymmetrical slasher game from anywhere is definitely something a lot of fans of Dead by Daylight are going to enjoy with the recent revamp.

With every game, there is always going to be that question of 'what's the best?' and 'who should I play?'. Thankfully we here at MobileMatters have those answers for you!

Dead by Daylight Mobile Killer Tier List

The Nurse is an amazing killer. | © Behaviour Interactive
The Nurse is an amazing killer. | © Behaviour Interactive


  • The Nurse
  • The Oni
  • The Spirit
  • The Hag

The S-tier for Dead by Daylight Mobile is full of the best of the best, obviously! All of these killers have perks that will allow them to easily track down survivors. The Nurse for example has Stridor, Thanatophobia and A Nurse's Calling that debuff survivors when they are injured and try to do any of the stated challenges on the map. These skills will slow down survivors and let the Nurse keep tabs on them from afar.

The Oni is a great killer due to his mobility options and his unique perks Zanshin Tactics, Blood Echo and Nemesis. Zanshin Tactics make it so you can see all the pallets, walls and vault locations within 24m of you. On top of this Blood Echoes allows you to deal damage to every damaged survivor when you hang any survivor on a hook.

The killers in this tier have solid kits that will allow you to deal passive damage over time and are simple enough to use where it's hard to play them wrong.

The Wraith is one of our favorites. | © Behaviour Interactive
The Wraith is one of our favorites. | © Behaviour Interactive


  • The Hillbilly
  • The Wraith
  • The Huntress
  • The Onryo

The drop from S to A is honestly pretty large. The killers in this tier are solid of course, but they are more so focused on one aspect of the gameplay instead of being an all-encompassing darkness that's hard to avoid. The Hillbilly is excellent to highlight here, he's going to be a killer that is solo focused on chasing down a survivor like everyone else, but he has a perk called Tinkerer which allows him to become undetectable and reveals the location of a generator that has reached 70% repair progress.

The Huntress is focused on two aspects of a match, skill checks and the basement. Territorial Imperative lets Huntress become aware of when a survivor enters the basement but only when she is 32m away from it. Another skill that she has, Hex: Huntress Lullaby, when a survivor fails a skill check they get a 6% regression on top of this her skill will grow in power every time she hooks a survivor, up to five stacks.

The Clown is just trying his best. | © Behaviour Interactive
The Clown is just trying his best. | © Behaviour Interactive


  • The Clown

The lonely Clown sitting in the B-tier. It makes sense why he looks so sad! He doesn't really do anything better or worse than any other killers, the definition of middle-of-the-road.

His perks are all reliant on map knowledge and general game sense because they don't offer up any tracking utility and are all reliant on being in range of survivors for them to activate. Coulrophobia causes survivors in his terror range to have a 50% penalty to their healing speed. Pop Goes the Weasel will activate only after you land a hit on a survivor. The skill allows you to reduce a generator by 25%.

The Plague could do better. | © Behaviour Interactive
The Plague could do better. | © Behaviour Interactive


  • The Plague
  • The Doctor

These two killers are focused heavily on chasing survivors. They need to always be in the 'chase state' for their best skills to be active. This isn't the most ideal situation to be in because once you tear away from chasing a survivor the information you were getting is gone, leaving you in a defenseless situation.

That's not good to be in for a killer especially when the role is already pretty weak to begin with. When The Doctor is chasing a survivor, his perk Monitor & Abuse will be in effect, it will increase his terror radius by 8m. Then when a survivor is in the radius they will have an inefficiency debuff.

For The Plague, her perk Infectious Fright will activate and when another survivor is put into a dying state, they will yell and reveal their location for her.

The Trickster is tricky to play! | © Behaviour Interactive
The Trickster is tricky to play! | © Behaviour Interactive


  • The Legion
  • The Trickster
  • The Trapper

Now we're down to the lowest characters on the list. Unfortunately, most of these characters have nothing really notable about them, the only thing to highlight with every single one of these characters is going to be their negatives.

The Legion can open up lockers faster with his Iron Maiden perk. His two other skills, Discordance and Mad Grit are easily manipulated by survivors.

The Trickster is going to be useless most of the time. In the hands of a player who knows what they're doing and also who just so happened to get the one map he's good on, he'll probably win. He's just too niche to put high.

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Zach Maikranz
Zach Maikranz