This guide talks about different ways in which you can improve performance in Honkai Star Rail.

Honkai Star Rail is a well optimized game that hardly has any game breaking bugs albeit that doesn't means its performance is great on all devices. Depending on your hardware and the current state of your device, you may face lag, stutters and constant freezing issue while playing Honkai Star Rail.
Thankfully, there are certain tweaks that you can use to improve the game's performance and get more FPS in Honkai Star Rail to make your gameplay experience even better.
Update: We checked for new fixes and verified the existing ones on March 9, 2024.
How To Fix Lag, Stutters, Constant Freezing And Crashes In Honkai Star Rail
There are different ways to improve performance in Honkai Star Rail. But before we talk about them, make sure your device meets the minimum system requirements.
Graphics Settings
Depending on your device hardware, make sure to use correct Graphics Settings in Honkai Star Rail. If you have a low end device, it is best to set the FPS to 30 and rest of the graphics setttings to medium or low.
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Keeping Memory In Check
Memory impacts the FPS and different aspects of Honkai Star Rail's performance. If you run the game while your memory is full, you will face constant stutters, freezing and such issues even though your device has a good hardware. So, make sure your to clear your memory before playing Honkai Star Rail.
Keeping Storage In Check
When you run a game on a mobile device with almost full storage, it doesn't matter, how good and expensive of a device you use, you will encounter performance issue in Honkai Star Rail. That is why it is recommended to have at least 15 to 20% free storage while playing the game.
Background Application
Closing applications running in the background will help you clear memory which eventually leads to improving performance in Honkai Star Rail.
There are a variety of game boosters that you can download and install for free from the Google Play Store, App Store and other such official digital app distribution services.
Gameboosters helps in clearing the memory while making sure Honkai Star Rail is effectively using your hardware.
Temprature And Power Supply
The temprature and power supply affects Honkai Star Rail's performance by a lot. Make sure you device is not overheating and if possible, plug it to a constant power supply, especially when you are playing the game on a laptop or mobile.
For more on Honkai Star Rail, check out: