Best Ghost Decks In Marvel Snap

The best Ghost decks in Marvel Snap.

Ghost Marvel Snap
These are the best Ghost decks currently in Marvel Snap. | © Second Dinner

Last week, Marvel Snap released a new Series 5 card named Ghost.

Series 5 cards have had a bit of backlash in the community and due to this a lot of the newer cards just don't get much play time due to how high you need to be in collection level (486+) and also the drop rate is .2%, not good!

Thankfully, with the Token Shop, you don't have to purely rely on RNG to get the new cards. As time goes on and these cards are adjusted they usually drop into different series. For example, Zabu from last season was nerfed and moved to Series 4. So it's a strange balancing act that has made the community by and large not that excited about new cards being added that aren't obtainable from the season pass.

But recently with the addition of Ghost many players have changed their tune from being dissatisfied to being more open to the idea because Ghost is by definition a game changer. She essentially gets rid of the priority game mechanic by allowing you to reveal your cards second. Priority is determined by the power total of all of a player's cards on the field, whoever has the highest goes first. What this means is now you can design decks around being reactive without the fear of your opponent being able to out play you. Ghost doesn't need anyone else to work either, so once she's placed on the field you're set for the rest of the game. No longer do you have to make sure you have priority to get the correct buffs.

Now, with this new game state defined, let's look into some decks where Ghost can possibly shine.

Hazmat Ghost

Haz gho
Hazmat Ghost deck profile. | © Second Dinner

First, we need to drop Ghost and on turn 5 we have to drop Sera. Once we've done that, we need to focus on hopefully achieving a very specific combo with this deck. That combo consists of Luke Cage, Hazmat and Wong on the last turn at the same location. What this will do is make sure we can trigger Luke Cage's ability of making it, so our cards can't have power reduced, Hazmat will then gas the whole board and decrease your opponent for -1 power.

Then after that Wong will activate and will make Hazmat use her skill again, decreasing the whole board by -2.

Valkyrie Ghost

Vlk ghs
Valkyrie Ghost deck profile. | © Second Dinner

Valkyrie Ghost is a more reactive control deck than most. Since Ghost allows us to always go second, that opens us up to many fun and more aggressive opportunities, like playing Valkyrie and Thanos as our end goals. Valkyrie being an amazing card to play when the opponent has built up a location. She will make every card there 3-power.

Thanos is an ever looming threat that can be buffed by his infinity stones that are played through the match. Besides these juggernauts, you have Spider-Man who will make it so an opponent can't play at his location next turn. Storm who will make a location flooded aka not have a power anymore. This could be the future meta of control decks, absolute desolation.

Ghost Control

Ghost contorl
Ghost Control deck profile. | © Second Dinner

Now that we've established that there's a way to be more aggressive in a control deck, we can now look at cards that have more power instead of focusing in on good cards with little power like the meta was before.

If we can play Ghost and Zabu then our playing field is opened up wide to allow for crushing counterplay. What we can now do is destroy any win condition our opponent may have with Shang-Chi and Enchantress.

Shang-Chi will kill any cards that have 9 or more power. Enchantress removes all abilities from Ongoing cards at her location. These will allow for two locations to be locked down absolutely.

If your opponent is playing a specific deck like sacrifice aggro deck, you can use Polaris to move anyone cost cards to her location, essentially getting rid of any buffs a card like Carnage would allow.

Ghost Kazoo

Ghost kazoo
Ghost Kazoo deck profile. | © Second Dinner

Ghost Kazoo allows for the more slow and control based play style of Ghost to play a zoo based deck while also working around the current meta being anti-zoo.

Ideally it plays just like any zoo deck where we want to get ramp up to dropping Ka-Zar on turn four. Ghost should be our first play or Sunspot if you draw him. Then we want to protect those cards with an Armor. After that we drop Bishop, who will gain power for each card we place thereafter.

Then BOOM Ka-Zar will buff all of our 1-cost cards with 1-power. BOOM we drop Blue Marvel, all cards get a +1 power. Then in typical zoo fashion turn six is focused on dropping all the cards in our hand that we didn't play before.

Ideally, we want to place our most important cards with Armor, so they can't be killed by a Killmonger, the current meta anti-zoo staple. If all of this is done correctly you are looking to be in a comfortable situation that your opponent won't be able to catch up to.

We hope you enjoyed this deck profile, if you want to see anymore of our Marvel Snap decks please check them out!

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Zach Maikranz
Zach Maikranz