Murder at Castle Nathria is the newest Hearthstone expansion. This time, we're taken deep into the heart of a murder mystery. Here's all the details you need to know!

Get ready for a new expansion! The latest expansion coming to Blizzard's card game, Hearthstone, will be called "Murder at Castle Nathria". Revendreth has seen the murder of its founder, Sire Denathrius, in his castle. As a player, you're invited to solve this inexplicable crime. Check out the full video trailer for the new expansion below:
So what are you waiting for? Enter this spooky expansion with a variety of new legendary cards, keywords, card types, and board scenery! Let's dive into this dark and mysterious expansion...
Hearthstone: Murder At Castle Nathria - Release Date
The release date for the "Murder at Castle Nathria" expansion is set for August 2, 2022. This comes along as the second expansion in the Year of the Hydra! Voyage to the Sunken City was the first expansion of the year and was released earlier in April.
New Legendary Cards
There are 135 new collectible cards set to be released in this expansion. But we know you only care about those legendary cards. Lucky for you, there will be ten! One for each of the characters suspected of cutting Sire Denathrius' life short.

Each class will have a legendary minion of its own. Blizzard has released Murloc Holmes (Neutral), Baroness Vashj (Shaman), and Decimator Olgra (Warrior). At first glance, we can see "Clue", a new game mechanic, that could certainly play into the air of mystery this expansion hopes to bring to the game.
Stay up to date with cards set to released here!
New Keyword: Infuse

As with every expansion, a new keyword comes into play. This time, it's Infuse. Cards with this keyword grow more powerful with each minion that has died on the board. However, each card requires a certain number of lost minions. These are the numbers shown in the brackets. So, cards like "Door of Shadows" require two dead minions before it will add a temporary copy of a drawn spell to your hand.
Looking at this keyword, you can immediately tell that this will be popular amongst the aggro swarm decks that always seem to plague the beginning of every expansion. These type of cards would synergize well with Warlock decks too because of cards that can sacrifice their own minions.
New Card Type: Locations

Locations are the newest card type to enter the game. Working similar to the weapon card type, Location cards can be played for an initial mana cost.
Each location has an ability and durability attached to it. Once the card is played, the abilities can be activated once per turn for a cost of 1 durability. So, the cards above can be activated for a total of three times before it is removed from the board.
New Board Scenery

The board gets a nice little update to reflect the interior of Castle Nathria! Red seems to be the theme of the new expansion and we're here for it.
The expansion might still be more than a month away, but you can receive a new legendary card, Prince Renathal, for free when you log into Hearthstone now! He's a 3 mana 3/3 who can increase your deck size and starts with health at 40 at the beginning of each game!
That's all we have for the Murder at Castle Nathria expansion coming to Hearthstone soon. Read the full expansion details here!