Pokemon Go Bombirdier Weakness & Best Counters

If youre taking on Pokemon Go's hardest raid content then you've probably encountered Bombirdier. In this guide we go over how to beat them!

Pokemon Go Bombirdier
This is our in-depth guide on how to beat and counter the Pokémon Bombirdier! | ©HoYoVerse

Pokemon Go is a game that has some amazing raids that are designed to be difficult for players to do.

The intent behind these raids is mostly to create content for players to come together and figure out the best way to approach them, creating an amazing sense of community!

Thankfully, we've compiled some of these conversations here for you so you can access the information that you need about the raid at any time. Please take a look below.

Pokémon Go Bombirdier Weaknesses And Resistances

Pokemon Go
These are Bombirdier's weaknesses and resistances!! | © Niantic

If you are having issues fighting Bombirdier you need to make sure that you are bringing the correct Pokémon with you.

Below are the weaknesses and resistances of Bombirdier which should help you in your choice of who to bring with you.

ElementWeakness Percentage

These are the resistances.

ElementResistance Percentage

Pokémon Go Bombirdier Best Counters

Pokemon Go
These are Bombirdier's counters! | © Niantic

To make sure that you can approach the fight the best way possible, bring one of the Pokemon that we have listed below.

This list is sorting Pokemon by their score on the fight, so the top is the best, and the bottom is still pretty good for the list!

We got our data from the website PokemonGoHub

Mega DiancieRock
Mega TyranitarRock
Shadow RhyperiorRock
Mega GardevoirFairy
Shadow RaikouElectric
Mega RayquazaDragon
Shadow MagnezoneElectric
Mega ManectricElectric
Shadow ElectivireElectric
Shadow ZapdosElectric
Shadow MamoswineIce
Shadow TyranitarRock
Mega AerodactylRock
Shadow LuxrayElectric
Mega AmpharosElectric

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Zach Maikranz
Zach Maikranz