This guide shares the answers to the Slap Battle Recall Glove quiz you get by interacting with the lookalike NPC at the Temple location.

We verified all the answers for the Recall Quiz on June 23, 2024.
Slap Battles is a chaotic fighting game where your sole purpose is to slap other players using different gloves and abilities into oblivion.
The game offers a variety of gloves that you can obtain by completing specific requirements.
Among many, we have one of the popular gloves, the Recall Glove in Slap Battles, for which you must go through a quiz related to your account and some game-related questions.
To ensure you ace the Slap Battles temple quiz and easily obtain the Recall Glove in the game, we are here with a handy guide that shares most of the quiz answers while detailing how you can find the answers to the questions related to your account and game instance.
Slap Battles Recall Glove Quiz Answers (Temple Quiz)

Here are the different questions and their answers in the Slap Battles Recall Glove quiz:
- Question: How old is your account in days?
- Answer: You can get the answer from the About section of your Roblox account.
- Question: What is the chance of getting Bob from replica?
- Answer: 1/7500
- Question: What glove can’t you hit when it isn’t there?
- Answer: Elude
- Question: Did you forget that you repressed your memories?
- Answer: Yes
- Question: What glove has exactly 9750 slap requirements to unlock?
- Answer: Coil
- Question: How many players were present on this server when you were sent here?
- Answer: You can get the answer from the in-game leaderboards by manually counting the players on the server.
- Question: How many slaps do you have?
- Answer: Once again, you can get the exact numbers from the leaderboards.
- Question: If 1=3, 2=3, 3=5, 4=4, 5=4, what does 6=?
- Answer: 3
- Question: When was Slap Battles first published by Roblox?
- Answer: 16/2/2021
- Question: Whom ultimately controls this realm?
- Answer: Tencell
- Question: How many glove stands are in Slap Battles right now?
- Answer: 173 [Update on June 3, 2024: New Glove Stands were added to the game, bringing the total to 173.]
A quick thanks to the players in the comment section who pointed out the current Gloves Stand count.
- Question: What is the badge name for the Glitch glove?
- Answer: 01010010 01010101 01001110
- Question: Do you know who I am?
- Answer: A forgotten memory
- Question: We’ll play Simon says at the end. Do you understand?
- Answer: Yes
- Question: What colour is your name in the Roblox chat?
- Answer: You can get the answer by typing anything in the chat and noting the color.
- Task: Simon Says Riddle me this and speak it out. What was four fingers and a thumb but isn’t alive?
- How to complete: Enter "Glove" in the chat field.
- Task: Simon Says Riddle me this and speak it out. What has a bottom at the top?
- How to complete: Enter "A leg" in the chat field.
- Task: Simon Says jump off the map to collect your reward
- How to complete: If the text has "Simon Says" in it, then jump off the map.
- Task: Simons Says if the reward is what you seek, you must dance on top of the LEFT OR RIGHT staircase crystal
- How to complete: Go to the respective location and enter "/e dance" in the chat field to complete the task.
- Task: Simon Says if the reward is what you seek, you must dance on top of the entity
- How to complete: To complete this, you can stand on the crystal above the lookalike NPC and enter "/e dance" in the chat field.