This guide shares the complete list of Ascension and Talent materials you need for maxing our Furina in Genshin Impact.

Furina, the Hydro Archon, is a five-star Hydro unit in Genshin Impact who wields a sword and is supposedly coming to the game with the version 4.2 update.
Being one of the seven Archons and a great playable unit with a unique character model, there are many in the community looking forward to having Furina.
To ensure you are able to max out Furina on day one and try her out in different team compositions, we are here with a handy guide listing her Ascension and Talent materials.
Update: We have made minor updates to the guide on November 6, 2023.
Genshin Impact Furina Ascension Materials

Here is the complete list of ascension materials you need for ascending Furina in Genshin Impact:
- If you're looking to upgrade your gaming experience in Genshin Impact and other games, we recommend using a Razer Kishi mobile game controller .
Note: Currently, apart from the regular materials, there are no details available on local specialty and boss materials required for ascending Furina. We will update the page as soon as the details are revealed.
Update: We updated the guide with Furina materials on September 26, 2023.
Ascension Level 1
- Varunada Lazurite Sliver (1)
- Lakelight Lily (3)
- Whopperflower Nectar (3)
- Mora (20,000)
Ascension Level 2
- Varunada Lazurite Fragment (3)
- Water That Failed To Transcend (2)
- Lakelight Lily (10)
- Whopperflower Nectar (15)
- Mora (40,000)
Ascension Level 3
- Varunada Lazurite Fragment (6)
- Water That Failed To Transcend (4)
- Lakelight Lily (20)
- Shimmering Nectar (12)
- Mora (60,000)
Ascension Level 4
- Varunada Lazurite Chunk (3)
- Water That Failed To Transcend (8)
- Lakelight Lily (30)
- Shimmering Nectar (18)
- Mora (80,000)
Ascension Level 5
- Varunada Lazurite Chunk (6)
- Water That Failed To Transcend (12)
- Lakelight Lily (45)
- Energy Nectar (12)
- Mora (100,000)
Ascension Level 6
- Varunada Lazurite Gemstone (6)
- Water That Failed To Transcend (20)
- Lakelight Lily (60)
- Energy Nectar (24)
- Mora (120,000)
Once you have the above materials, you can fully ascend Furina and level her up using Hero's Wit and other XP materials.
Genshin Impact Furina Talent Level Up Materials

Here is the complete list of talent level-up materials for Furina that you can use to upgrade your Elemental Skill, Elemental Burst, and Attack talents:
Talent Level 2
- Teaching of Justice (3)
- Whooperflower Nectar (6)
- Mora (12,500)
Talent Level 3
- Guide To Justice (2)
- Shimmering Nectar (3)
- Mora (17,500)
Talent Level 4
- Guide To Justice (4)
- Shimmering Nectar (4)
- Mora (25,000)
Talent Level 5
- Guide To Justice (6)
- Shimmering Nectar (6)
- Mora (30,000)
Talent Level 6
- Guide To Justice (9)
- Shimmering Nectar (9)
- Mora (37,500)
Talent Level 7
- Philosophies of Justice (4)
- Energy Nectar (4)
- TBA (1)
- Mora (120,000)
Talent Level 8
- Philosophies of Justice (6)
- Energy Nectar (6)
- TBA (1)
- Mora (260,000)
Talent Level 9
- Philosophies of Justice (12)
- Energy Nectar (9)
- TBA (2)
- Mora (450,000)
Talent Level 10
- Philosophies of Justice (16)
- Energy Nectar (12)
- TBA (2)
- Crown of Insight (1)
- Mora (700,000)
Remember, the above materials are required for maxing out any of the one Talents. For leveling up all three, you need thrice the listed materials.
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