This guide lists all the materials you need for ascending and leveling up Baizhu's talents in Genshin Impact.

Baizhu is a five-star Dendro user and a Catalyst wielder in Genshin Impact, getting added to the game with version 3.6, 'Parade of Providence' update. He is a great support unit that you can add to your team by performing wishes on his character event wish banner.
And on that note, if you really plan on getting Baizhu, you must know about his ascension and talent materials to level up Baizhu and his attack, elemental skill, and elemental burst talents.
To help you out, we have prepared this handy guide that lists all the materials required to max out Baizhu and his talents in Genshin Impact.
Genshin Impact Baizhu Ascension Materials List

Here is the complete list of ascension materials you need for ascending Baizhu through his six ascension phases:
Ascension Level 1
- Nagadus Emerald Sliver (1)
- Violetgrass (3)
- Fungal Spores (3)
- Mora (20,000)
Ascension Level 2
- Nagadus Emerald Fragment (3)
- Violetgrass (10)
- Fungal Spores (15)
- Evergloom Ring (2)
- Mora (40,000)
Ascension Level 3
- Nagadus Emerald Fragment (6)
- Violetgrass (20)
- Luminescent Pollen (12)
- Evergloom Ring (4)
- Mora (60,000)
Ascension Level 4
- Nagadus Emerald Chunk (3)
- Violetgrass (30)
- Luminescent Pollen (18)
- Evergloom Ring (8)
- Mora (80,000)
Ascension Level 5
- Nagadus Emerald Chunk (6)
- Violetgrass (45)
- Crystalline Cyst Dust (12)
- Evergloom Ring (12)
- Mora (100,000)
Ascension Level 6
- Nagadus Emerald Gemstone (6)
- Violetgrass (60)
- Crystalline Cyst Dust (24)
- Evergloom Ring (20)
- Mora (120,000)
Genshin Impact Baizhu Talent Materials List

Here is the complete list of Talent Materials you need for leveling up Baizhu's attack, elemental skill, and elemental burst talents:
Talent Level 2
- Teachings of Gold (3)
- Fungal Spores (3)
- Mora (12,500)
Talent Level 3
- Guide to Gold (2)
- Luminescent Pollen (3)
- Mora (17,500)
Talent Level 4
- Guide to Gold (4)
- Luminescent Pollen (4)
- Mora (25,000)
Talent Level 5
- Guide to Gold (6)
- Luminescent Pollen (6)
- Mora (30,000)
Talent Level 6
- Guide to Gold (9)
- Luminescent Pollen (9)
- Mora (37,500)
Talent Level 7
- Philosophies of Gold (4)
- Crystalline Cyst Dust (4)
- Guardian of Apep's Boss Material (1)
- Mora (120,000)
Talent Level 8
- Philosophies of Gold (6)
- Crystalline Cyst Dust (6)
- Guardian of Apep's Boss Material (1)
- Mora (260,000)
Talent Level 9
- Philosophies of Gold (12)
- Crystalline Cyst Dust (9)
- Guardian of Apep's Boss Material (2)
- Mora (450,000)
Talent Level 10
- Philosophies of Gold (16)
- Crystalline Cyst Dust (12)
- Guardian of Apep's Boss Material (2)
- Crown of Insight (1)
- Mora (700,000)
That concludes our guide on Genshin Impact Baizhu's ascension and talent materials list.
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