Warzone Mobile Perks: How They Work & What Perk Packages You Can Equip

Perks are useful items that you can equip in Warzone Mobile to give yourself a much-needed performance boost during a match. That said, it is important to know each and every one of them and what they do.

Warzone Mobile Perks Packages Guide
Perks can mean the difference between winning or losing a match in Warzone Mobile. | © Activision

Perks are special abilities or enhancements that you can equip to your Custom Loadouts in Warzone Mobile.

These items provide various advantages on the battlefield and can enhance several key aspects of your performance. From increased speed, improved weapon capabilities, and reduced damage taken from Killstreaks, Perks can be a lifesaver and a game changer.

Needless to say, knowing which Perks to equip can make a massive difference in your survivability and effectiveness during a match. To refresh your memory on the Perks available in Warzone Mobile, we have compiled them all below, including the Perk Packages you can equip in your loadout.

Every Perk In Warzone Mobile

Warzone Mobile Perks
Perks give you additional benefits during a match. | © Activision

There are currently 13 Perks in Warzone Mobile.

We have listed them in the following table and described the benefits they provide.

Battle HardenedReduce the effect of enemy Flash, Stun, EMP, Gas Grenades, and Shock Sticks. Immune to Snapshot Grenades.
Bomb SquadTake reduced damage from non-Killstreak explosives. Reset fuse timers when picking up live grenades.
Cold-BloodedUndetectable by AI targeting systems, and thermal optics. Does not trigger a High Alert warning. Does not highlight in enemy Tactical Cameras, Recon Drones, and Spotter Scopes.
Double TimeDouble the duration of Tactical Sprint. Increase crouch movement speed by 30%.
High AlertVision pulses when spotted by an enemy player outside of view.
Fast HandsReload, use equipment, and swap weapons faster.
FocusReduce flinch when aiming down sights and extend Hold Breath duration.
GhostUndetectable by UAVs, Portable Radars, and Heartbeat Sensors.
Quick FixKilling platers immediately triggers health regeneration. Capturing and holding objectives increases the player's health regeneration rate.
ResupplySpawn with an additional Lethal. Equipment recharges over 25 seconds.
ScavengerResupply ammo and throwing knives from dead players.
Strong ArmThrow equipment farther.
SurvivorOn death, enter Last Stand with the ability to self-revive once per life. Teammates can revive downed players faster.

All Perk Packages You Can Equip

Warzone Mobile Perks Packages Guide
Perk Packages contain a set of four Perks. | © Activision

Unlike other Call of Duty games where you can choose specific Perks to equip, Warzone Mobile only offers Perk Packages. These are a set of four pre-selected Perks that can be added to your Custom Loadout.

During a match, you can activate the Perks within your chosen Perk Package when you obtain your Custom Loadout.


There are currently five Perk Packages in Warzone Mobile. We have detailed the Perks each package contains in the following table.

Perk PackagePerks
  • Fast Hands
  • High Alert
  • Scavenger
  • Strong Arm
  • Focus
  • Ghost
  • Scavenger
  • Strong Arm
  • Battle Hardened
  • Bomb Squad
  • Cold-Blooded
  • Quick Fix
  • Battle Hardened
  • Bomb Squad
  • Resupply
  • Survivor
  • Double Time
  • Fast Hands
  • Quick Fix
  • Strong Arm

We recommend you choose the Perk Package that best meets not only your playing style but the weapons and equipment you have equipped in your Custom Loadout.

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Ivan Shahran

Ivan is the Content Lead for MobileMatters and provides coverage for titles such as Clash of Clans, Brawl Stars, Clash Royale, and Wild Rift. In his role, he has written guides and news pieces and attended competitions such as ESL's Snapdragon Pro Series....