This guide shares details on how you can get Fragment of a Golden Melody ascension material in Genshin Impact.

Fragment of a Golden Melody is a boss drop in Genshin Impact that players can use to ascend playable characters like Arlecchino and many more.
Since we are slowly approaching Arlecchino's release, players pre-farming her ascension materials in the game may want to know more about the Fragment of a Golden Melody boss material.
Based on the available information, we have prepared this guide to provide details on how to get Fragment of a Golden Melody in Genshin Impact.
Update on April 19, 2024: You will be able to farm Fragment of Golden Melody boss material once the version 4.6 update goes live on April 24, 2024.
How To Get Fragment Of A Golden Melody

In Genshin Impact, you can get the Fragment of a Golden Melody from a new world boss called Golem Captain, whom you can find in the new area releasing with version 4.6 update.
While there are few to no details on the different attacks the Golem Captain uses, we do have decent lore about him, thanks to the in-game description data mined by HoneyHunters.
A centaur-shaped golem forged of marble and brass. Under that hard stone exterior flows Ichor blood. Towering as one who commands a legion, it is ready to trample any foe that might transgress against its honor. The now sunken civilization believed that war was as music, an art of rhythms to be followed. Therefore, one who marshals a legion must be like a conductor, whose shield and sword are like the strings and bow of a lyre."War is a necessary evil on the path to all-encompassing peace." Thus did a Harmost, one who once led the golem legions to conquest over the entire high sea, speak.
Where To Find Golem Captain Boss
When writing this guide, we only knew that you could find the Golem Captain in the upcoming area. We will add more details as we near the update's release and after version 4.6 goes live.
Fragment Of A Golden Melody Uses
As mentioned earlier, you can use the Fragment of a Golden Melody to ascend Arlecchino. At this moment, there is no other use for it.