Read this guide and find out where to find Tech Chest & how to get Tech Key in Pet Simulator 99.

Want to know where to find and how to get Pet Simulator 99 Tech Chest & Key? Tech Chest is one of the best things added in the game with the recent update, and it features the brand-new Huge Cyber Agony pet.
In this article, we'll help you find Tech Chest In Pet Simulator 99 and unlock Tech Key to try your luck with hatching a new Huge pet!
Where To Find Tech Chest In Pet Simulator 99
Tech Chest is the newest chest released as the counterpart of Crystal Chest in the World #1.
Players can find it in the Tech World Shop, which is located in the Tech World unlocked after the Rebirth 4.
Right near the Tech Spinny Wheel, players can find the Tech Chest with insane rewards!
How To Get Tech Key In Pet Simulator 99
To open Tech Chest, players need a Tech Key. Primarily, reaching specific ranks grants players Tech Keys as a final progression reward.
At ranks 19, 20, and 21, you'll receive 5 Tech Keys each, totalling 15 keys upon reaching rank 21.
However, this method can be time-consuming and requires dedication.
While ranking up is the most reliable way to obtain Tech Keys, we suggest collecting Tech Key Fragments (upper half and bottom half).
Combining two fragments (upper and lower halves) will create a complete Tech Key. However, the drop rate for Tech Key Fragments is low.
Be prepared for the grind, and consider using Pet Simulator 99 auto scripts to grind away from the keyboard.
Pet Simulator 99 Tech Chest Rewards & Probabilities

Below, you'll find the list of possible rewards from Pet Simulator 99 Tech Chest:
- Huge Cyber Agony - Ultra Rare (Main Reward)
- Diamonds Potion II - 4.45%
- Coins Potion III - 8.65%
- Damage Potion III - 8.65%
- Lucky Eggs Potion III - 8.65%
- Diamonds Potion III - 0.89%
- Gift Bag - 1.3%
- Happy Pets - 0.585%
- Tap Power IV - 12%
- Treasure Hunter IV - 9.25%
- Coins IV - 9.25%
- Strong Pets IV - 9.25%
- Diamonds IV - 5.55%
- Coins Potion IV - 1.9%
- Damage Potion IV - 1.9%
- Lucky Eggs Potion IV - 1.9%
- Nametag - 1.4%
- x3 TNT Crate - 1.3%
- x3 Pinata - 0.29%
- Diamonds Potion IV - 0.22%
- Tap Power V - 1.85%
- Treasure Hunter V - 1.85%
- Coins V - 1.85%
- Strong Pets V - 1.85%
- Tech Key - 1.1%
- Lighting - 0.555%
- Coins Potion V - 0.54%
- Damage Potion V - 0.54%
- Lucky Eggs Potion V - 0.54%
- Sprinkler - 0.455%
- x3 Charm Hammer - 0.145%
- Diamonds Charm - ??
- TNT Charm - ??
- XP Charm - ??
- Pet Surge - ??
- TNT Shower - ??
- Tornado - ??
- Royalty Charm - ??
- Overload Charm - ??
- Agility Charm - ??
- Bonus Charm - ??
- Tap Blast - ??
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