This guide talks about Dehya's Special Dish while sharing its recipe and details on making and using it as a support item.

Dehya is one of the two upcoming playable characters coming to Genshin Impact with the version 3.5 update. With every new character, we get new weapons, Special Dish, and sometimes, new artifacts associated with them.
In this guide, we will particularly talk about Dehya's Special Dish in Genshin Impact while sharing details on its recipe and how you can cook it in-game.
What Is Dehya's Special Dish In Genshin Impact?

In Genshin Impact, Dehya's Special Dish is called Goldflame Pot, a recovery dish that increases all party members' max HP by 30% for 300 seconds. And as always, when you are playing the game in co-op mode, the stated effects will apply only to you and not to party members controlled by other players.
It is a great food item that will help players deal with the upcoming elite and regular enemies, tackle Harmonics Research Facility Domain, and other content easily, as not everyone prefers to keep a healer in their party.
Dehya Special Dish Goldflame Pot Recipe In Genshin Impact
Similar to any other Special Dish in Genshin Impact, Dehya's Goldflame Pot Special Dish is a nuanced version of a regular food item called Gilded Pot. And thus, you need it for making Goldflame Pot.
Here is the recipe for making Goldflame Pot in Genshin Impact:
- Raw Meat (2)
- Padisarah (2)
- Spice (1)
- Onion (1)
Apart from the above ingredients, you must also own Dehya to make Goldflame Pot. Without her making the dish in Genshin Impact is impossible, as using any other character will give you Gilded Pot instead of the Goldflame Pot food item.
How To Cook Dehya Special Dish Goldflame Pot In Genshin Impact

You can cook Dehya's Special Dish, Goldflame Pot, at any Cooking Station, which comes in the form of Stoves, Campfires, Cooking Furnishing, and the gadget Adepti Seeker's Stove.
But before you head to any Cooking Station and start making Goldflame Pot, make sure you fulfill these prerequisites:
- You must unlock Dehya by performing wishes on her Character Event Wish banner.
- You must obtain and learn the Gilded Pot recipe.
- You must have all ingredients required to make Gilded Pot.
Once everything is in check, you can interact with the Cooking Station, select 'Gilded Pot' and click on the 'cook' button. On PS4 and PS5, you must press the 'O' button. When you are in the cooking menu, look on the right side and find the 'Select Character' option.
Click on 'Select Character' and choose Dehya from the list of characters. Once that is done, start cooking manually or auto cook, depending on your mastery in cooking Gilded Pot.
Cooking Gilded Pot using Dehya will give you her Special Dish, Goldflame Pot, though the chance of getting it depends on RNG.
How To Get Gilded Pot Recipe In Genshin Impact

You can get the Gilded Pot recipe from the merchant named Azalai in exchange for 5000 Mora. You will find him in Aaru Village, located in Sumeru Region. Remember, when writing this guide, the Gilded Pot recipe is not yet added to the Azalai's Shop, and you can purchase it once the version 3.5 update is live.
That concludes our guide on Genshin Impact Dehya Special Dish, its recipe, and how to make it, as we have discussed everything you need to know.
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