New Genshin Impact leaks suggest that three top harbingers, Columbina, Capitano, and Dottore, will appear in Natlan.

Genshin Impact's story is getting more intense with each new region added to the game. Now that we are nearing the end of the Fontaine arc, leaks are starting to pop up on the internet related to the next region, Natlan, the nation of war.
Recent leaks via Project ENKA suggest that three of the top Harbingers, Columbina, Capitano, and Dottore, will be in Natlan.
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While we already somewhat knew that Dottore's next stop would be Natlan, having Comlumbina and Capitano is a surprise as this is the first time we may see more than two Harbingers operating in a single region.
If the leaks are accurate, we will see one of the most action-packed Archon quests in Natlan involving the Harbingers, Dragon Sovereigns and the Pyro Archon.
Moreover, this may also mean that other Harbingers, especially Dottore, finally become playable characters during the Natlan story arc.
But for now, since there are no official details on this, we recommend players take the leaks with a massive grain of salt.
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