Apex Legends Mobile Redeem Codes: When Will Apex Mobile Get Redeem Codes?

When will Apex Legends Mobile get redeem codes? We look at the facts.

Apex legends mobile promo codes
When will Apex Legends Mobile get redeem codes? | © Respawn Entertainment

Apex Legends Mobile has had its global release, and the game has managed to capture all the color and mayhem of Respawn Entertainment's battle royale and bring it to mobile devices. The game is very much a port, but there are differences. We've had the first mobile-exclusive Legend in Fade, and the game's events and battle pass are unique to the mobile title.

One aspect that hasn't quite made the transition from the mainline to the mobile game yet are Apex Legends redeem codes. Present in the mainline game, most notably through the collaboration with energy drink, Monster, they have yet to be added to Apex Legends Mobile.

But when will Apex Legends get redeem/promo codes? We break it down.

New Apex Legends Mobile Codes

Sadly, as mentioned before, Apex Legends Mobile has no redeem codes though there are plenty of ways to get some in-game cosmetics and rewards. The easiest way (and cheapest) way is through events; for the low down on all the events, check out our Apex Legends Mobile event hub.

NOTE: Apex Legends Mobile has shut down.

Apex LEgends Mobile Redeem Codes
In-game events, like Loba's Soiree, are the best way to get cosmetics at the moment. | © Respawn Entertainment

When Will Apex Legends Mobile Get Redeem Codes?

With the mainline game having and utilizing redeem codes successfully, it seems only a matter of time before Apex Legends Mobile gets redeem codes. At the moment, there is currently no mention of such a feature anywhere in the game, and it would thus likely need an update to bring the functionality to the game.

Check back with us regularly as we will be scouring the 'net for these all Apex Legends Mobile redeem codes.

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Hritwik Raj

Hritwik has been playing all kinds of games since childhood and is a self-proclaimed guru of all games. He is one of the Gaming Leads at MobileMatters who is always inclined towards souls games, shooters like Apex Legends and Call of Duty, RPGs and MMOs....