This guide talks about how you can get the Legendary Blazing Lion in Roblox Adopt Me! while detailing a few other related things.

The Blazing Lion is one of the new Legendary pets in Roblox Adopt Me! that got added to the game through the "Lures" update that was released on September 14, 2023.
After the Fire Dimension update that introduced players to the Ash Zebra and the Flaming Zebra pets, obtaining the Legendary Blazing Lion in Adopt Me! will help players to expand their collection of flaming, aka molten pets.
So, to help players, we are here with a handy guide that explains how you can get the Legendary Blazing Lion in Roblox Adopt Me!
How To Get Legendary Blazing Lion In Adopt Me

In Adopt Me!, you can get the Legendary Blazing Lion by first placing a Lure Furniture in your home.
At the time of writing, you can get a Box Lure for 750 Bucks or use the nuanced version, Cozy Home Lure, which costs you 1200 Robux.
The latter one is similar to the Box Lure in every aspect except for the fact that it can hold two Baits at a time.

That being said, when you are inside your home, select the 'Edit House' option, click on 'Stuffs,' and then on 'Lures' in the bottom menu.
There, you will find the two Lures that we talked about earlier. Purchase and place them in your home.
Once that is done, interact with the Lure, add the Campfire Cookie Baits, and wait for four hours.
If you are lucky, you will get the Legendary Blazing Lion, whose spawn chance is a meager 0.01%. If not, repeat the process of placing the Bait and waiting out.
Pet Lure Update! Lure pets and rewards to your home! Log in to get Campfire Cookie bait! 5 new molten pets to adopt!Learn everything about the update in our release notes & download Wallpapers & Coloring Pages:
— Adopt Me! (@PlayAdoptMe) September 14, 2023
Adopt Me! Every Item You Can Get From Lures
Here is the complete list of items and pets that you can get from the Lures placed inside your home in Adopt Me!:
- 💲 Bucks - 79% ($10 - $10,000)
- 🍶 Age-Up potion - 12.5%
- 🎨 Paint Sealer - 2%
- 🪀 Toys & Pet wear - 5%
- Magma Great Sword
- Flame Glasses
- Flame Crown
- Meteor Plush
- Flame Pogo Stick
- Flame Grappling Hook
- 🔥 Ultra-Rare pets - 1.49%
- Toasty Red Panda
- Magma Snail
- Molten Moose
- 🦁 Legendary Blazing Lion - 0.01%
You can also place the Ash Zebra and Flaming Zebra Baits in the Lures to obtain the respective pet in just thirty minutes.
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