This guide shares all working and expired redeem codes for Roblox Peroxide while sharing steps on how to redeem them.

Peroxide is a fighting game based on the Bleach anime and manga series from Tite Kubo, available for free on the Roblox platform.
While the game's learning curve is easy, the grinding to unlock greater power to tackle tough bosses, quests, and other such content can prove to be challenging.
To make things a little easier, you can use Peroxide redeem codes to get Product Essence, extra slots, and other such lucrative rewards.
Seeing that, we are here with the Roblox Peroxide codes guide that lists all active codes for the game and details on how you can redeem them.
Roblox Peroxide All Active Codes (June 2024)

Here is the complete list of working codes for Roblox Peroxide:
Update: We checked for new codes on June 24, 2024.
- SkibiShutdown - 15 Product Essences (new)
- GokuDayCodeSuper - 25 Product Essences (new)
- GokuDayCodeSuper2 - 15 Product Essences (new)
- 310KLikesHappyWeekend - 25 Product Essence
- 230MVisitsCodeCritters - 25 Product Essence
- sorry4thebugs - 25 Product Essence
- 220MVisitsArrancarTerrorism - 30 Product Essence
- AlvinAndTheChipmunks - 30 Product Essence
- FusionHoldingUsHostageUpdateIsComing - 25 Product Essence
- EclipseDontBurnUrEyes - 15 Product Essence
- 300kLikesSorryLate - 35 Product Essence
- TwoTrillionAprilPECode - 2 trillion Product Essence
- ShutdownToFixNPCsAgain - 25 Product Essence
- shutdowntofixnpcs - 25 Product Essence
- 210MVisitsAwesome - 30 Product Essence
- PeroxideAnniPE - 50 Product Essence
- UnluckyBruhxide - 50 Product Essence
- 290kLikesLOOLOLOL - 30 Product Essence
- 200MVisitsAwesome - 25 Product Essence
- ValentinesDayButNoValentines - 45 Product Essences.
- FusionForgotHowToShutdown - Product Essence
- 190mVisitsThanks - Product Essence
- ThanksForPingingAhmed - 20 Product Essence
- 280kLikesThankYouForYourSupport - 25 Product Essences
- 180mVistsTrollDelay - 20 Product Essences
- CodeCrittersVsBugFixersPart2 - 30 Product Essences
- CodeCrittersVsBugFixers - 30 Product Essences
- StopListeningToTrialMods - 10 Product Essences
- HappyNewYearJoMamaJoeBiden12121 - 30 Product Essences
- Chungsmas - 30 Product Essences
- 170mVisitsGuys - 15 Product Essences
- 270kLikesOhHowJolly - 15 Product Essences
- FBBossIncident - 15 Product Essences
- FBUpdate - +1 Slot and 15 Product Essences
- Peroxide10kSubs - Product Essence
- Peroxide5kSubs - Product Essence
- 260kLikesWhatTheJoe - 20 Product Essences
- 160mVisitsWhatTheFB - 15 Product Essences
- ThanksGivingButAmerican - 30 Product Essences
- LOLSTUPIDHEADLESS - 15 Product Essences
- ImpostorvsCrewmate - 15 Product Essences
- 150mVisitsThanksForContinuedSupport - Product Essence
- ThxForSurvey – Product Essence
- BaskingSharkDay – Product Essence
- HalloweenOmg2 – Product Essence
- OOPS – Product Essence
- DevCelebrationRolandtime – Product Essence
- 140mVisitsJoeBiden – Product Essence
- 250kLikesWungusApproves – 30 Product Essence
- RobloxOutageNumber2Trillion – Product Essence
- WungusVsRoblox - 15 Product Essences.
- 130MVisitsHolyMoly - 10 Product Essences.
- YTFat - 10 Product Essences.
- TheNightOfTheWungus - 15 Product Essences and 20 Wungus.
- FusionIsAWungu - x25 Product Essences
- 120MVisitsTheVoices - x10 Product Essences
- 240kLikesChill - Reddem code for x15 Product Essences
- 230kLikesHolySpeedrun - Reddem code for x15 Product Essences
- 110mVisitsWTH - Reddem code for x10 Product Essences
- RAIGABOMBU - Reddem code for x20 Product Essences
- 110mVisitsAwesome - Reddem code for x10 Product Essences
- TheApproachingStorm - Reddem code for x20 Product Essences
- 220kLikesCritters - Reddem code for x15 Product Essences
- SpudBugsUnite - Reddem code for x5 Product Essences
- GankingSpudsHouse - Reddem code for x20 Product Essences and x1 free slot
- UpdateThisWeekend - Reddem code for x15 Product Essences
- 100kVisitsEpicAmongus - Redeem code for 50 Product Essence
- 210kLikesJoeMama - Redeem code for free rewards
- ApeirophobiaChapter2 - Redeem code for free rewards
- 200kLikesCritters - Redeem code for free rewards
- 90MVisitswowzers - Redeem code for free rewards
- Only10PeWHAAAAT - Redeem code for free rewards
- FungusAmongus10K - Redeem to get 30 Product Essence
- Grimdub10k - Redeem to get 30 Product Essence
- 190KLikesWOW - Redeem to get 15 Product Essence
- 80MVisitsTyrone - Redeem to get 10 Product Essence
- GrilledCheeseFluffy - Redeem to get 10 Product Essence & Choco Fluffies
- VerminUpdate - Redeem to get Product Essence (new)
- 200kFavs - Redeem to get Product Essence (new)
- 180kLikesUpdateSoon - Redeem to get Product Essence (new)
- 70mvisitsweirdge - Redeem to get Product Essence (new)
- 170KLikesCodeGoblins - Redeem to get Product Essence (new)
- Sussyamogusimposter - Redeem to get Product Essence (new)
- 60MVisits - Redeem to get Product Essence (new)
- DataOopsieDaisy1 - Redeem to get Product Essence (new)
- DataOopsieDaisy2 - Redeem to get Product Essence (new)
- EmergencyShutdownCodeForBrokenServers - Redeem to get 35 Product Essence
- 160kLikes99IsoP - Redeem to get Product Essence (new)
- 150kLikesJoeYipee1231123!! - Redeem to get Product Essence (new)
- 50MVisits!?!?!Wow!! - Redeem to get Product Essence (new)
- CodeGoblins – Redeem to get Product Essence (new)
- ThxForFollowingTyDev10! - Redeem to get Product Essence (new)
- HairRatsMatter155! - Redeem to get Product Essence (new)
- 140kLikesNewContentSoon - Redeem to get Product Essence (new)
- 40MVisits!!! - Redeem to get Product Essence (new)
- 130kLikesInfiniteCodes - Redeem to get Product Essence (new)
- 120kLikesHolyMoly - Redeem to get Product Essence (new)
- 20MVisits! - Redeem to get Product Essence (new)
- 30MVisits! - Redeem to get Product Essence (new)
- 110kLikesYouLittleCritters - Redeem to get Product Essence
- 100kLikesYouAllAreEatingGood - Redeem to get Product Essence
- 80kLikesSorryForACStrikes - Redeem to get Product Essence (New)
- AmogusGrimaceShake - Redeem to get Product Essence
- 60kLikesHiGuys - Redeem to get 15 Product Essence
- 10MVisits! - Redeem to get 10 Product Essence
- 40kLikesRobloxAPICantHandle60k - Redeem to get 15 Product Essence
- 50kLikesWowThatWasFast - Redeem to get 15 Product Essence
- 30kLikesThanksForSupportingUs - Redeem to get +15 Product Essence
- FreeSlot20kLikes - Redeem to get +1 slot and +15 Product Essence
- GrimaceAmongus - Redeem to get 20 product essence
- RELEASE!!!! - Redeem to get 50 product essence
We recommend you redeem the above codes at the earliest as they are subject to expire.
Roblox Peroxide All Expired Codes

Here is the complete list of Peroxide codes that have expired and cannot be claimed anymore:
- WAVE2!!!!!!!!!!
- WatchLamaYT
- WatchingLagotholis
- CorgiDubs
- WatchAdrianYT
- WatchBok
- SubToGhost
- PMKilledPeroxide
- Easter2023
- RainbowAmongus
- IWillStartReportingBugsAndAntiCheatBugsWithClips
- LosNochesGetsSomething
- SuperBalancingCode
- Premium
- Shutdownyomama
- ArrancarMasksBroke
- ClothingDummyAUIncident
- PeroxideWasNotKilledByDeepAgain
- CookieStopSellingInBedwars
- AizenBeatsUlqCanonly
- AsrIsStartingToHateBountyMedallion
- MoreCodesYay
- BountyChanges
- AsrPlayedTheGame
- PeroxideKillerPart2
- SorryFusionIsBusyPlayingDeepwoken
- MilkChocolateUpdate
- TimeGatesMakeMeLaugh
- SorryForTheBugsWithTheBigUpdate
- 1MillionThankYou!
- RobloxHatesUs
- YIPEEspawnsfixed
Whenever a code expires, we move it to the Peroxide expired codes section.
How To Redeem Codes In Roblox Peroxide

Here is how you can redeem codes in Peroxide:
- Open Roblox Peroxide.
- Click on the Settings button [We have highlighted it in the above screenshot].
- Enter the active codes in the "Code Here" field.
- Lastly, hit the Enter key on your keyboard to claim the rewards.
How To Get More Codes For Roblox Peroxide

You can get more Roblox Peroxide codes from the game's social pages like Discord.
Apart from that, you can also check the Peroxide Trello Board, as you can find the Codes board in the Game Info section.
Lastly, we recommend bookmarking this page as we update the Peroxide and other game codes every Monday.
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