In this article, we will go through Luminosity Gaming's 'Washy's' favourite ranked loadout, operator of choice and what maps he likes to play in COD: Mobile.

Christian "Washy" Manalo is one of the players from Luminosity Gaming's COD: Mobile roster, a North American esports organization that fields players and teams in almost every major game with an esports scene, COD: Mobile being one of them.
Last year, Luminosity Gaming won second place in Call of Duty Mobile World Championship 2022. This year, they have qualified for Call of Duty Mobile World Championship 2023, operated by the Snapdragon Pro Series Powered by Samsung Galaxy.
Luminosity Gaming will be competing against INCO Gaming in the upcoming Swiss Stage and the rounds after it, leading to the finals, granted they manage to stay in the game and get the triumphant 1st place win that they missed last year.Since the battle between Luminosity Gaming and some of the best COD: Mobile teams are right around the corner, we are here to talk about Luminosity Gaming's "Space" favourite ranked loadout, along with his Operator of choice and the maps he likes to play.
Christian Manalo "Washy" Favourite Ranked Loadout & Operator

Here's the favourite ranked loadout that Christian likes to use in COD: Mobile:
- Primary weapon: Locus
- Secondary weapon: LCar
- Lethal equipment: Frag Grenade
- Tactical equipment: Flash Grenade
- Scorestreaks: Hunter Killer Drone, Predator Missile, EMP
- Perks: Lightweight, Gung-Ho, Dead Silence
- Operator of choice: Artery
- Operator Skill: Annihilator
Christian's primary weapon in COD: Mobile is the Locus sniper rifle, a great bolt action sniper with massive damage and range. We have seen many pro players use the Locus sniper in their loadout. However, what separates Christian's loadout from other pro players is his secondary, the L-Car 9.
A fully automatic pistol that lacks range but offers a very high magazine size, fire rate and mobility, damage on par with some of the top SMGs and decent control.
This pick would definitely give Christian an advantage over other players who often go with the Prizefighters gloves as instead of engaging in a melee fight or trying his luck with a zero distance quick scope, the L-Car 9 will allow him to get easy kills in close range.
Now, moving to the Lethal and Tactical equipment, Christian likes to use Frag Grenade and Flashbang Grenade, the first one is great for taking out enemies while the other one helps in disorienting and blinding them.
When it comes to Scorestreaks, Christian likes to use Hunter Killer Drone, Predator Missile and EMP System, which literally every other pro player uses except for a few.
With the above choices, the first one to trigger the EMP system gets a massive advantage as then they can use their other Scorestreaks, Operator Skills and throwables to take out enemies while blocking theirs.
As a sniper, Christian prefers to use the combination of Lightweight, Gung-Ho and Dead Silence Perks, where Gung-Ho plays a vital role as it allows him to hip fire, throw grenades and reload while sprinting.
Which Map Does "Washy" Likes To Play In COD: Mobile?
Christian Manalo's favourite map to play in COD: Mobile is Summit.
For more information on the Snapdragon Pro Series, visit the official website, and follow the league on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
MobileMatters is in partnership with ESL FACEIT Group, the tournament organizers behind the Snapdragon Pro Series.
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