The Wild Pass Emporium gets rid of the last 25 tiers of Wild Rift's battle pass and replaces it with the Wild Pass Emporium, an item shop.

Fans of League of Legends: Wild Rift are gearing up for patch 3.4, a huge update that is set to introduce Gwen, Yone, Warick, and Vex to the game's roster of champions, as well as new items, enchants, and a 1v1 duel mode.
The update, which has come to be known as Power Spike '22, will also mark the launch of a new Wild Pass, Wild Rift's take on the battle pass reward system, and that too is set for a revamp.
Launching on September 15, Wild Pass Season 7 will see the 'bonus rewards' scrapped, and replaced with an in-game item shop called the Wild Pass Emporium. New types of challenges are also being added.
Wild Pass Season 7 To Scrap Bonus Tiers For Wild Pass Emporium
The changes were revealed by Wild Rift Game Director Jared Barbech in the patch 3.4 preview video.
Previously Wild Passes had 50 free and premium tiers, with those that purchase the premium track gaining access to a further 25 tiers of bonus rewards. Those tiers are set to be replaced with the Wild Pass Emporium, an item shop where the items are purchasable with a new in-game currency called Wild Star.

Players will earn 100 Wild Stars for every 100 points of Wild Pass XP earned after level 50.
"Pass progress is changing from a linear track for levels 51 to 75 into an exchange where you can claim rewards in any order you like," explained Barbech, with the Game Director also revealing that by unlocking enough of these Emporium rewards, you can get a new skin for your Wild Pass.
Wild Pass info starts at 10:16.
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Earning Wild Rift XP is also set to be easier in Season 7, with two types of challenges being added to the experience: Daily and Challenge Missions.
The daily missions will be available to all players and not just those who purchase the Wild Pass, while the Challenge Missions will be restricted to those that purchase the Wild Pass Elite.
Barbech also confirmed that the Season 7 Wild Pass is superhero-themed, with the level 50 premium unlock being Superhero Jayce, with an Ascended Superhero skin also being available from the new Wild Pass Emporium.
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