Maisie is one of the two new brawlers that will be introduced to Brawl Stars in Season 18.

In Season 18 of Brawl Stars, we'll enter the dense, jungle home of Leon, Nita, and Bo. But, it won't be just old faces we'll be meeting. Out from the shadows of the trees emerges a new Chromatic brawler - Maisie. Next to Hank, she is one of the season's two new brawlers.
Maisie is the safety assistant at the Starr Theatre. As part of her job, she maintains safety at Brawlywood's movie productions and ensures that no one gets hurt - especially Buster and Fang. She has a love-hate relationship with the two and acts as their big sister. With Maisie around, she completes the Brawlywood trio.
Maisie's main attack, Pressure Rocket, is a long-range single projectile that starts slowly but accelerates over time. It deals medium damage to all enemies it hits.

For her Super, she shoots the ground and creates a shockwave around her, dealing damage and knocking back enemy brawlers. It's extremely powerful for disabling enemies and escaping battles.
Maisie will receive the Jungle Queen skin as the Season 18 Brawl Pass reward. In it, she is decked out with a new forest aesthetic and has her metal arm changed to a golden snake.

Besides this, she will get a Tech Maisie skin which you can purchase for 29 Gems at the Shop. This skin will see her arm replaced with a mechanical blaster.
Maisie will be added to Brawl Stars when Season 18 launches on May 1, 2023.
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