The Path of Legends is a new ranked mode in Clash Royale. Let's go over everything you need to know about it.

Path of Legends is a new competitive ranked mode in Clash Royale. Introduced in the October update, it replaced the League system on the Trophy Road and consists of ten Leagues, with the Ultimate Champion League at the very top, which consists of the best Clash Royale players.
We'll be going over all the Leagues in the Path of Legends, how you can climb them, the Path of Legends season reset, and the rewards you can get.
The Path Of Legends - Leagues

You will unlock the Path of Legends when you reach Arena 15 at 5,000 Trophies. There are ten Leagues in the Path of Legends. Each League is 'level capped,' which means that your Cards or Tower Power can not be above a certain level depending on the League you are in.
These are all the Leagues in the Path of Legends in descending order, and the level caps for each League:
League | Level Cap |
Ultimate Champion | 14 |
Royal Champion | 14 |
Grand Champion | 14 |
Champion | 13 |
Master III | 13 |
Master II | 12 |
Master I | 12 |
Challenger III | 11 |
Challenger II | 11 |
Challenger I | 11 |
The Path Of Legends - How To Climb

You can climb the Path of Legends simply by winning games. Each League, up to the first nine, will consist of 'Steps.' There are two types of steps: Stone Steps and Golden Steps. Winning games will move you up Stone steps, and losing games will see you move down.
Throughout your journey in the Path of Legends, there will be Golden Steps that you can move up from but prevent you from falling below them. They will be common in the early stages of your path but become rarer as you make your way further up the Leagues.
Here are the frequencies of the Golden Steps per League:
- Ultimate Champion: None available
- Royal Champion: None available
- Grand Champion: None available
- Champion: None available
- Master III: 1 in 7 Steps
- Master II: 1 in 6 Steps
- Master I: 1 in 5 Steps
- Challenger III: 1 in 4 Steps
- Challenger II: 1 in 3 Steps
- Challenger I: Always

Besides Golden Steps, each new League you reach will act as a new checkpoint and disallow you from dropping down the League should you continue to lose games (similar to the Trophy Road).
Once you reach 87 Steps, you will become an Ultimate Champion. However, that's not the end of the Path of Legends. The Ultimate Champion is a League of its own where there are no more Steps - only a player rating based on your battle record that tracks all the battles you have played from Master II League onwards. This rating will change depending on your win rate and will be reset with every ranked season.
The top 10,000 players with the highest player ratings will get a rank displayed on their profile and enter the Hall of Fame. The names of the top 1,000 players will appear in the Global Leaderboard at the end of the Path of Legends.
Path Of Legends - Ranked Season Reset

The Path of Legends season will be reset every month. This means your progress in this ranked mode will be reset, and you will have to restart your journey again.
However, there is a bonus to ending the season on a high League. Depending on which League you finish the ranked season in, you will receive a 'Win Multiplier' that will help you climb the Leagues faster.
Here are the Win Multipliers you will receive per League:
League | Win Multiplier |
Challenger I | 1 |
Challenger II | 2 |
Challenger III | 2 |
Master I | 3 |
Master II | 4 |
Master III | 4 |
Champion | 5 |
Grand Champion | 5 |
Royal Champion | 6 |
Ultimate Champion | 6 |
The Win Multiplier will decrease after each battle you win.
Path Of Legends - Rewards
There will be rewards available for everyone who competes in the Path of Legends. These will vary with each season. There will be one-time rewards displayed on the left of the Path of Legends. On the right of the Path, there will be rewards that will be refreshed after each season reset.
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