In this guide, we will show you how you can voice report a toxic player in Fortnite and how you can enable/disable voice reporting in your matches.

If you have ever played a game of Fortnite, then you will probably know that the game can get pretty disrespectful at times thanks to player behavior. From BM emotes to the classic teabag, you're never short when it comes to acts like this.
Outside of that, toxicity has been heavily present in the game's voice chat feature. As a result, many players have opted to block, mute, and report other players when things get too unbearable.
With this being such a common occurrence, Epic has recently introduced a new voice reporting system that allows players to report others who violate Fortnite's Community Rules when using the voice chat. This can include acts such as bullying, harassing, discriminating, or engaging in any general distasteful behavior.
Here is everything you need to know about this useful system.
How To Voice Report A Player In Fortnite

During a Party or Game Channel match that has voice reporting activated, the last five minutes of voice chat audio are recorded on a rolling basis.
This means that when you voice report a player, only the last five minutes of audio before the report was submitted will be considered by Epic moderators for review. That said, it's best to report a toxic player as soon as possible so that the audio evidence is not lost.
You can voice report a player in Fortnite by following these steps:
- Open the Sidebar.
- Go to the Voice Chat tab.
- Press the Report Conversation button.
- Wait for the report to be generated.
- Press the Submit button to send the voice report.
When you submit a voice report, your identity will remain anonymous throughout the entire process.
If you have been voice-reported by another player, you will be sent an email to the address connected to your Epic account. It will notify you of the violations you have made against the Community Rules and the consequences you face. You can review your case by visiting the Sanctions and Appeals site.
How To Enable/Disable Voice Reporting In Fortnite

Voice reporting is always enabled for voice chats involving players who are under 18. Unfortunately, there is no way to disable this. So, if you don't want your audio being recorded, you should mute yourself during matches or turn off voice chat completely by doing so in the voice chat settings.
For players aged 18 and over, there are ways to customize your voice reporting preferences in Fortnite. You can enable it by following these steps:
- Visit Settings.
- Go to Audio.
- Select Voice Reporting.
- Choose between Always On or Off When Possible to enable/disable Voice Reporting.
Needless to say, with "Always On", voice reporting will be enabled in every Party or Game Channel you are in.
With "Off When Possible", voice reporting will be off in parties where all players have their voice reporting preferences set to "Off When Possible". However, voice reporting will be enabled in Party Channels if it has players who have set it to "Always On".
Keep in mind that the "Off When Possible" setting will only apply to Party Channels. This means that voice reporting will always be enabled in Game Channels.
Now, voice reporting presents itself as an incredibly useful tool for reducing malicious activity in Fortnite. With that in mind, it is important not to abuse this system as this can delay how fast Epic can respond to genuine cases of toxic behavior in the game.
For more on Fortnite, you may be interested in:
- How To Play OG Fortnite
- Fortnite Ranked Leaderboards: How To Check Your Ranked Mode Community Ranking
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