We are all hyped up for the new Fortnite update v26.20 for a reason and it is the arrival of Ahsoka Tano Skin. Here is how you can unlock it.

Just like every Fortnite season, Chapter 4 Season 4 introduces a bonus skin as we progress through its chapters.
For players who possess this season's Battle Pass, a remarkable opportunity awaits with the arrival of the v26.20 update - the chance to unlock the iconic Star Wars character, Ahsoka Tano.
If you are a die-hard fan of the George Lucas universe, then you would want to get your hands on this outfit as soon as possible. Fortunately, this article will guide you through the steps to add this exciting bonus skin to your Fortnite collection.
How To Unlock The Ahsoka Tano Skin In Fortnite

You can unlock the Ahsoka Tano skin in Fortnite by completing quests that you can access by purchasing the Chapter 4 Season 4 Battle Pass.
If you have not obtained the Battle Pass yet, you will need to buy it for 950 V-Bucks.
The Ahsoka Tano quests and their respective rewards in Fortnite are:
- Collect Fulcrum Tokens in Relentless Retreat or Breakwater Bay (3): Outfit Ahsoka Tano
- Collect Fulcrum Tokens in Kenjutsu Crossing or Slappy Shores (3): Back Bling Morai
- Collect Fulcrum Tokens in Sanguine Suites or Rumble Ruins (3): Star Map Wrap
- Be the first player in a match to land, search a chest, or eliminate a player (1): Loading Screen Fulcrum's Ascending
- Survive storm circles while carrying at least one legendary weapon (5): Banner Icon
- Deal damage to opponents with a melee weapon (250): Ahsoka's Staff Pickaxe
- Complete a Job from a Job Board (1): Spray Ready Rebel
- Deal damage to opponents farther than 20 meters (1,500): Emoticon Watchful Companion
- Gain Shields (1,000): Emote T-6 Shuttle Junior
As you can tell, the Quests will reward you with other items such as a themed loading screen, banner icon, pickaxe, spray, emoticon, back bling, wrap, and emote.
- If you're looking for the best possible controller to use in Fortnite mobile, we recommend using the Razer Kishi mobile game controller that will give you an edge over your opponents.
Besides her appearing as a skin, Ahsoka Tano can also be found as an NPC that can train you to become a Jedi. If you accept her offer, you will enter the rift and exit with a Jedi Training Lightsaber and force abilities that allow you to sprint faster, double jump, and push objects/players away. The Ahsoka Tano NPC will only be available until the v26.30 update.
This concludes our guide on acquiring the Ahsoka Tano skin in Fortnite.
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