Vampire Survivors Gets Surprise Mobile Release (And It's Free!)

Vampire Survivors is now available on Android and iOS.

Vampire Survivors
Vampire Survivors is now available on Android and iOS. | © Poncle

It's a game that has many captivated PC gamers, and has many calling it their 'Game of the Year' and now it is available on Android and iOS.

Vampire Survivors a deliciously simple roguelike game, which tasks you with surviving ever-increasing hordes of fantastical creatures. The game actually came out in late 2021 but has steadily grown in popularity throughout this year.

Last night (December 8), with little fanfare or prior warning, the developers Poncle released the game on Android and iOS.

Vampire Survivor ioS Android
Fight back the horde in Vampire Survivors, now available on Android and iOS. | © Poncle

Unlike the PC version, Vampire Survivors on mobile is completely free - though it does have some adverts, which are optional with players being rewarded with extra lives and other bonuses for doing so.

If you haven't played it before, we highly recommend it.

Each game starts off slowly, with just a smattering of the undead heading your way. However, the trickle soon becomes a flood and you will need to level up your weapons and abilities to push back the horde.

But why listen to me prattle on about it, you can check it out for yourself via the Google Play or Apple App Store now.

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Daniel Conlan
Daniel Conlan