This guide shares the complete list of Ascension and Talent Level Up Materials for Mika in Gensin Impact while talking about where you can find each material.

Mika is a four-star Cryo user and a polearm wielder coming to Genshin Impact with the version 3.5 update, set for release on March 1, 2023. He is a support unit whose ability kit makes him a decent all-rounder who can deal with enemies from a distance and up close.
If you plan on getting Mika in Genshin Impact, you must know about his Ascension and Talent materials and where to find them. By knowing that, you can prepare for Mika ahead of his release so you can max him out as soon as you get him from the game's gacha.
Mika's Ascension Materials In Genshin Impact

Here is the complete list of Ascension Materials you need for maxing out Mika in Genshin Impact:
Ascension Level 1
- Shivada Jade Sliver (1)
- Wolfhook (3)
- Recruit's Insignia (3)
- Mora (20k)
Ascension Level 2
- Shivada Jade Fragment (3)
- Wolfhook (10)
- Recruit's Insignia (15)
- Pseudo-Stamens (2)
- Mora (40k)
Ascension Level 3
- Shivada Jade Fragment (6)
- Wolfhook (20)
- Sergeant's Insignia (12)
- Pseudo-Stamens (4)
- Mora (60k)
Ascension Level 4
- Shivada Jade Chunk (3)
- Wolfhook (30)
- Sergeant's Insignia (18)
- Pseudo-Stamens (8)
- Mora (80k)
Ascension Level 5
- Shivada Jade Chunk (6)
- Wolfhook (45)
- Lieutenant's Insignia (12)
- Pseudo-Stamens (12)
- Mora (100k)
Ascension Level 6
- Shivada Jade Gemstone (6)
- Wolfhook (60)
- Lieutenant's Insignia (24)
- Pseudo-Stamens (20)
- Mora (120k)
Mika's Talent Level Up Materials In Genshin Impact

Here is the complete list of Talent Level Up Materials you need for maxing out Mika's Attack, Elemental Skill, and Elemental Burst Talents in Genshin Impact:
- Teachings of Ballad (3)
- Guide to Ballad (21)
- Philosophies of Ballad (38)
- Recruit's Insignia (6)
- Sergeant's Insignia (22)
- Lieutenant's Insignia (31)
- Mirror of Mushin (6)
- Crown of Insight (1)
Note: The above materials are required to max out any one of the three Talents. To max out all three of them, you need three times the listed materials.
How To Get Shivada Jade Sliver, Fragment, And Chunk In Genshin Impact

You can get Shivada Jade Sliver, Fragment, and Chunk using the following methods:
By defeating Normal Bosses
- Aeonblight Drake
- Coral Defenders
- Cryo Hypostasis
- Cryo Regisvine
- Maguu Kenki
- Perpetual Mechanical Array
- Primo Geovishap
By defeating Weekly Bosses
- Beneath the Dragon-Queller
- Enter the Golden House
- Narukami Island: Tenshukaku
- Wolf of the North Challenge
Using Alchemy
- You can use lower variants of Shivada Jade to craft its higher variants at any alchemy table.
By using the Parametric Transformer gadget
- You can feed random items inside the Parametric Transformer gadget for a chance to obtain Shivada Jade Sliver, Fragment, or Chunk.
Where To Find Wolfhook In Genshin Impact

You can find Wolfhook in Wolvendom, located in the Mondstadt region of Teyvat in Genshin Impact. It is one of Mondstadt's local specialties you can obtain from the open world via foraging or buying it directly from an NPC named Chloris in exchange for Mora.
How To Get Recruit's Insignia, Sergeant's Insignia, And Lieutenant's Insignia In Genshin Impact

You can get Recruit's Insignia, Sergeant's Insignia, And Lieutenant's Insignia by defeating the different Fatui enemies found around the Liyue region and at other locations.
How To Get Mora In Genshin Impact

There are a plethora of methods using which you can obtain Mora in Genshin Impact. These are:
- From Blossoms of Wealth
- As quest reward
- By defeating monsters
- By opening chests
- From Events
- Can be purchased from NPCs like Ekaterina, Marjorie, Mikoshi Genichirou, Tubby, and Xingxi
- From HoYoLAB Community Daily Check-In
- From Investigation
- From the following Expeditions
- Stormterror's Lair
- Dihua Marsh
- Jueyun Karst
- Jinren Island
- Tatarasuna
- From Parametric Transformer
How To Get Mirror Of Mushin In Genshin Impact

You can obtain the Mirror of Mushin from the Trounce Domain, Joururi Workshop. Once you have defeated the boss, claim the Trounce Blosson using Original Resin to obtain the said item.
How To Get Teachings Of Ballad, Guide To Ballad And Philosophies Of Ballad In Genshin Impact

You can get the Teachings of Ballad, Guide to Ballad, and Philosophies of Ballad from the Forsaken Rift Domain on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday.
That concludes our guide on Genshin Impact Mika's Ascension and Talent Materials and where to find them.
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