This guide shares the complete list of Ascension and Talent level-up materials you need for levelling up Xianyun and her abilities in Genshin Impact.

Xianyun is an upcoming five-star Anemo element user and a Catalyst wielder in Genshin Impact who will make her debut in the game with the version 4.4 update.
While you may not know her as Xianyun, you have already known this character for a long time as she is none other than the Cloud Retainer, yes, the same Cloud Retainer who raised Ganyu, trained Shenhe and now is going to join them as a new playable character.
There is no doubt that most of the players in the Genshin Impact community will be wishing on Xianyun's banner to obtain her not just for her character kit but also for her UNIQUE character model 😏and uhmm, for other reasons.
To help those players out, we have prepared this Xianyun materials list that shares every Ascension and Talent level-up material you need for Xianyun in Genshin Impact.
Update: We have made minor changes to the guide on January 30, 2024.
Xianyun's Ascension Materials List

Here are all the Ascension materials you need to max out Xianyun's character level in Genshin Impact:
Ascension Level 1
- Vayuda Turquoise Sliver x1
- Mora x 20,000
- Clear Water Jade x3
- Divining Scroll x3
Ascension Level 2
- Vayuda Turquoise Fragments x3
- Mora x 40,000
- Cloudseam Scale x2
- Clear Water Jade x10
- Divining Scroll x15
Ascension Level 3
- Vayuda Turquoise Fragments x6
- Mora x 60,000
- Cloudseam Scale x4
- Clear Water Jade x20
- Sealed Scroll x12
Ascension Level 4
- Vayuda Turquoise Chunk x3
- Mora x 80,000
- Cloudseam Scale x8
- Clear Water Jade x30
- Sealed Scroll x18
Ascension Level 5
- Vayuda Turquoise Chunk x6
- Mora x 100,000
- Cloudseam Scale x12
- Clear Water Jade x45
- Forbidden Curse Scroll x12
Ascension Level 6
- Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone x6
- Mora x 120,000
- Cloudseam Scale x20
- Clear Water Jade x60
- Forbidden Curse Scroll x24
At Ascension Levels 1, 3, and 5, you get one Acquaint Fate as a reward, which you can use on the Standard Banner to get weapons and playable characters.
Xianyun's Talent Materials List
Here are all the Talent Materials you need to max out Xianyun's Normal Attack, Elemental Skill, and Elemental Burst Talents:
- Mora x1,652,500
- Crown of Insight x1
- Teaching of Gold x3
- Guide to Gold x21
- Philosophies of Gold x38
- Divining Scroll x6
- Sealed Scroll x22
- Forbidden Curse Scroll x31
- Lightless Eye of the Maelstrom x6
Keep in mind, the above materials are required for maxing out any of the one Talents. For levelling up all three, you need thrice the listed materials.
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