This guide explains what the new Wavebreak Charm does in LEGO Fortnite while sharing details on how you can unlock and craft it.

Want to use the new Wavebreak Charm in LEGO Fortnite but don't know how to unlock or craft it in the game? If so, then you have come to the right place in this guide, we share everything you need to know about the Wavebreak Charm in LEGO Fortnite.
For players who don't know, the Wavebreak Charm is one of the two new Charms in LEGO Fortnite that was added with the Gone Fishin' update.
When you have the Wavebreak Charm equipped on your character, it increases your swimming speed. Moreover, its effects can be stacked, meaning the more Wavebreak Charm you have equipped, the faster you swim.
So, if you are eager to try out this new charm, keep reading our guide as we explain how to unlock and craft Wavebreak Charm in LEGO Fortnite.
How To Unlock The Wavebreak Charm

In LEGO Fortnite, you can unlock the Wavebreak Charm by catching Orange Floppers Fish using the Fishing Rod that you can craft at the Workbench and the Bait Bucket that you can craft in the Food Processor and the Juicer.
Blue Floppers is one of the fifteen new Fish in LEGO Fortnite that players can catch using the Fishing Rod. That being said, here are the different Fish currently available in the game:
- Orange Flopper
- Blue Flopper
- Green Flopper
- Vendetta Flopper
- Black and Blue Shield Fish
- Purple Thermal Fish
- Raven Thermal Fish
- Silver Thermal Fish
- Blue Slurp Fish
- Purple Slurp Fish
- Yellow Slurp Fish
- Blue Small Fry
- Cuddle Jelly Fish
- Slurp Jelly Fish
- Molten Spicy Fish
While you can catch Fish in any water, the type of Fish that you catch depends on:
- Time of the day
- Biome
- Weather
- Water
How To Craft the Wavebreak Charm

You can craft the Wavebreak Charm using the Fish that you catch during the Fishing activity in LEGO Fortnite at the Crafting Bench.
- Wool Threads x3
- Frostpine Rods x20
- Sand Shells x10
- Blue Floppers x10
Once you have the above materials, you can go to the Crafting Bench, navigate to the Charms section and craft the Wavebreak Charm.
To make the Wavebreak Charm appear in the Charms section of the Crafting Bench, you must at least have the Rare Bench upgrade. Also, depending on the rarity of the Charm, you need different materials to craft it.
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