In Squad Busters, you can find all sorts of Quests you can complete to earn exciting rewards. But, what types of Quests are the most rewarding and what do they all mean? We'll explain it to you in this guide.

Quests are your best friend in Squad Busters if you want to make significant in-game progress. You can complete these tasks to be rewarded with special items such as Coins and Chests.
Coins can help you open Chests and unlock characters for your Squad, meanwhile, Chests can also reward you with characters. If that isn't enough to convince you to take on Quests, then we don't know what will.
To help you familiarize yourself with the types of Quests you can find in Squad Busters, we have listed them all below.
All Types Of Quests In Squad Busters
There are three types of Quests in Squad Busters. Namely, they are the Beginner Challenges, Daily Quests, and Weekly Quests.
Beginner Challenge

You might have guessed that the Beginner Challenges are for beginners from the name of the Quest itself - and you're right. These Quests allow new players to familiarize themselves with how the game works and the rest of Squad Busters' mechanics.
There will be seven Challenges, each spread out across seven days. You can find the Beginner Challenges listed in the Quests tab.
Completing the Beginner Challenges will reward you with items such as Coins and Chests.
Daily Quests

Daily Quests are the most common type of Quest in Squad Busters. You can complete up to six Quests a day. The rewards you earn will be based on the Quest's difficulty.
You can earn Coins by completing Daily Quests. If you complete all the Daily Quests, you can claim the Daily Reward which is either Chests or Coins.
New Daily Quests will be given at the start of every day. You can check the countdown timer to see how long you'll need to wait until a new set of Quests is available.
Weekly Quests
Weekly Quests are similar to Daily Quests, however, new Quests are available at the start of every week.
These Weekly Quests consist of seven days worth of challenges you can complete. Finishing them will reward you with Chests or Coins.
How To Replace A Quest In Squad Busters

If you see Quests you don't like or can't complete, you're in luck as you can easily replace them by pressing the 'Replace Quest' icon located at the top right of a Quest.
However, there are two types of Quest replacement buttons: a green icon and a purple icon. A green icon indicates that the Quest replacement is free and can only be pressed once a day. A purple icon indicates that the Quest replacement will cost 500 coins and can be pressed as many times as possible.