You can get free Gems, Gold, Stardust, and more rewards by using these new All Star Tower Defense codes in Roblox. Redeem them to get yourself special in-game items!

All Star Tower Defense (ASTD) is arguably one of the most popular tower defense games available on Roblox. Developed by Top Down Games, this game combines the elements of tower defense and gacha games, which makes it a unique and engaging experience for anyone who plays it.
You can make survival a lot easier for yourself by having a vast bank of resources like Gold and Gems. Usually, you can get these by simply playing the game. However, the developers often release codes that can be claimed to get free rewards in the game.
New All Star Tower Defense Codes
Here are the active All Star Tower Defense codes:
- egoupdate – 220 Stardust and 9,000 Gems (new!)
- fraudkunaupdate – 220 Stardust and 9,000 Gems (new!)
- miniupd393 – 140 Stardust and 8,600 Gems
- tradingupdate – 40 Stardust and 8,600 Gems
- HunterStarPass – 140 stardust and 4,500 Gems
We suggest you use these codes as soon as possible because they will be active for a limited time only.
Expired All Star Tower Defense Codes

In the list below, you can find all the expired All Star Tower Defense codes that have been offered in the past:
- hope2024
- Tsukuyomi2024
- animeroulette1
- thankyoufor6bvisits
- 24hoursupdate
- blamspot500kcodeunitrelease
- videocode12135
- EnumaElish2024
- tournamentstart
- newupdate1121
- UpdateThisWeek
- sorry4delay
- happyholidays2
- happyholidays1
- PreChriistmas2023
- newstarpass69
- happy3yearanniversary
- srry4delay
- happyspookymonth
- newupdatecode
- NewWorld2
- UniverseReset
- TheDrumsOfLiberation2
- TheDrumsOfLiberation
- 6billionvists
- july4threalupdate
- sorryfordelayupdate2
- abouttimesnowrbx2023
- NavyXFlameOtherCode
- navyxflamelate200kcodeomg
- happylatemothersday
- rolerewardcode
- Chainsmoke91
- Blamsdefnotlate300kcode
- ASTDEggOpenedFinally
- melonmen1
- youtubekingluffy350kdone
- newupdcode3
- newupdcode2
- blamsponge
- navyxflame170kyoutubereal
- diablo12
- maintenacecode15
- sorryforlongdelay
- thankyoufor5bvisits
- delayp
- lvlreqny
- happyholidays
- mbshutdown
- world3ishere
- winterguy19
- bigwinterupdatesoon
- 2milfavoriteup
- 2yearanniversaryduo
- 2yearanniversary
- SubscribeToBlamSpotOnYoutube200k
- newstarcode
- Halloween2022
- timechamberfix
- stardustupdate
- ASTDDragonoidBakugan
- 1millikes
- summerwoo2022
- Hooray50k
- owouch
- changesjune
- ticketupdate
- NavyXFlame130kNoLeak
- newaprilupdate
- astd1millikes
- allstarspring
- ultramove
- congratulations2kingluffy300ksubscribersonyoutube300k
- superwoop1mgroupmembers
- themadao
- ASTDDevs
- world2ishere
- world2comingsoon
- astdx2022
- winterbreakwhen
- KingLuffyFan200k
- december2021
- eatlotsonthanksgiving
- thecityofangels
- novemberupdate
- igot2look
- 100ksubnavyxflame
- starshipway
- NavyxFlame80Ksubs
- anniversaryastd
- fruit100k
- robloxyay
- happyhalloween2021
- 4partyrocking
- longwait
- wowshutdown
- goldgemgold
- NavyxFlameYT60K
- thursdayfun
- tacotuesday
- 2bcodeswagmodeblazeit
- shutdownagaincode21
- nooshutdown
- septemberupdate21
- specialkingluffy100k
- illbewatchingyou
- gamebreakingvisits101
- nowherescoredeal
- minishutdown
- theotheronecode
- mrworldwide
- morecodeforyouxd
- codeofprisma
- codeoflight
- listentothemusic132
- howareyoutodaymyfriendo
- fruitysubmore
- 4thofjulyupdate
- lesgolesgoyuuh
- supertime
- biggerthanlife1
- fruitgame
- 600klikes
- updatejune2021
- fruit
- 2021memorialday2021x
- Update53021
- lovetobrazil
- addnewunitstobannerfix
- diamondnowina
- ohmahgawdskill
- yellowsix
- tysmfor1mfavorite
- smoothcriminal2
- jahajha
- quickshut
- shotofmemories
- lieawake
- freedom
- likeapartyonthelist
- helloworld2021
- 1bvisit1b
- eastercoda21
These codes can no longer be used in the game. We will update this section once any active codes expire.
How To Redeem Codes In All Star Tower Defense

The developers have created a system where players can easily redeem any available code from within the game itself.
That said, follow these steps to claim your All Star Tower Defense codes:
- Launch All Star Tower Defense.
- Select the 'Settings' button.
- Enter a working code into the box.
- Press the 'Enter' button to redeem the code.
Once you complete these steps, the rewards will be instantly sent to your in-game account. Should it fail to appear, it is best you close the game and relaunch All Star Tower Defense.
Best Way To Get More All Star Tower Defense Codes

To get the latest All Star Tower Defense codes, you should follow the game's X (formerly Twitter) page and join their official Discord server. The developers regularly post new codes after the release of a new update or scheduled maintenance.
If you have used all the codes available and need extra Gems or other items, we recommend completing the daily quests and playing through the story mode.These methods are guaranteed to give you the items you need.