Wild Rift Patch 4.1c Balance Changes: Buffs, Nerfs & Adjustments

Patch 4.1c introduces a new set of balance changes to Wild Rift that will surely shake up the meta.

League of Legends Wild Rift 4.1c Balance Changes buffs nerfs adjustments guide Riot Games
Patch 4.1c has arrived in Wild Rift with new balance changes. | © Riot Games

Riot has recently released patch 4.1c in Wild Rift. As customary in these type of updates, we saw a series of balance changes that buffed, nerfed, and adjusted champions and items in the game.

Beside this, new skins such as Arcade Ezreal, Battle Boss Brand, and Final Boss Veigar were released. The new update also launched the Arcade Promotion skin event that will offer you an opportunity to earn the various Arcade skins.

But with that being said, there's a lot of ground to cover in terms of balance changes. So, here's a look at all of them that arrived in patch 4.1c.

Wild Rift Patch 4.1c - Balance Changes

League of Legends Wild Rift 4.1c Balance Changes buffs nerfs adjustments guide Riot Games Veigar
Veigar is one of the many champions included in this patch's balance changes. | © Riot Games

Only nine champions received balance changes in Wild Rift patch 4.1c. Kennen, Lux, and Seraphine were buffed. Gwen, Sion, and Thresh were nerfed. Meanwhile, Orianna, Veigar, and Ziggs were adjusted.

Other than these champions, Searing Crown was nerfed.

This is a full breakdown of the balance changes:

ChampionBalance Change(s)
  • A Thousand Cuts bonus magic damage Ability Power ratio decreased from 0.006% → 0.005%
  • Skip 'n Slash cooldown decreased from 16.5/14/11.5/9 seconds → 13.5/12/10.5/9 seconds
  • Electrical Surge passive bonus magic damage increased from 25/35/45/55 + 70/80/90/100% Attack Damage + 25% Ability Power → 35/45/55/65 + 70/80/90/100% Attack Damage + 30% Ability Power
  • Prismatic Barrier cooldown decreased from 13/12/11/10 seconds → 11/10/9/8 seconds
  • Base armor stat decreased from 30 → 25
  • Command: Attack magic damage increased from 50/90/130/170 + 40% Ability Power → 60/100/140/180 + 45% Ability Power
  • Command: Dissonance bonus Ability Power ratio increased from 50/90/130/170 + 40% Ability Power → 60/100/140/180 + 45% Ability Power
  • Surround Sound heal per ally increased from (5% + 0.01% Ability Power) × Missing health → (6.5% + 0.01% Ability Power) × Missing health
  • Beat Drop magic damage increased from 60/90/120/150 → 60/95/130/165
  • Soul Furnace cooldown decreased from 16/15/14/13 seconds → 15/14/13/12 seconds
  • Soul Furnace re-cast time decreased from 3 seconds → 2 seconds
  • Flay passive bonus magic damage decreased from Souls collected × 2 + 100/125/150/175% Attack Damage → Souls collected × 2 + 80/100/120/140% Attack Damage
  • Primordial Burst minimum magic damage increased from 170/240/310 → 185/250/315
  • Primordial Burst cooldown decreased from 70/65/60 seconds → 60/55/50 seconds
  • Primordial Burst ability size now scales with Ability Power
  • Bouncing Bomb magic damage increased from 75/135/195/255 → 85/145/205/265
  • Satchel Charge demolition threshold decreased from 15/20/25/30% → 10/15/20/25%
Searing Crown
  • Magic damage ratio decreased from 1.6% → 1.4%

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Ivan Shahran

Ivan is the Content Lead for MobileMatters and provides coverage for titles such as Clash of Clans, Brawl Stars, Clash Royale, and Wild Rift. In his role, he has written guides and news pieces and attended competitions such as ESL's Snapdragon Pro Series....