Here's a complete overview of all the buffs, nerfs, adjustments, and reworks that were introduced to Wild Rift in the patch 4.2 balance changes.

Patch 4.2 has finally landed in Wild Rift. We'll be treated with various new skins, three new champions (Ornn, Swain, and Volibear), and the beginning of the highly-competitive Ranked Season 10.
To gear up the game for this novel era in Wild Rift, Riot has introduced an exhaustive list of buffs, nerfs, adjustments, and reworks that targetted both champions and items.
Given that patch 4.2 will work on improving the Marksmen champion role, the balance changes will focus heavily on accommodating the new items by making adjustments to the current item roster. Unfortunately, this means that champions have taken a backseat in this update.
But enough chatter, we'll go over every one of the balance changes below.
Wild Rift Patch 4.2 Balance Changes - Buffs, Nerfs, Reworks & Adjustments

Renekton was the only champion buffed.
Here are the details:
Champion | Buff |
Renekton |
Infinity Edge and Rapid Firecannon were nerfed.
Here are the details:
Item | Nerf |
Infinity Edge |
Rapid Firecannon |

Essence Reaver, Nashor's Tooth, Noonquiver, and Stormrazor were adjusted. All champions received a minor adjustment. Champion movement speed was increased by 10 and the crit damage rate was decreased to 175% (from 200%).
Here are the details:
Item | Adjustment |
Essence Reaver |
Nashor's Tooth |
Noonquiver |
Stormrazor |

Olaf, Muramana, and Phantom Dancer were reworked.
Here are the details:
Champion/Item | Rework |
Olaf |
Muramana |
Phantom Dancer |
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