All Siege Machines In Clash Of Clans Explained

Siege machines are arguably the strongest unit you can have in your Clash of Clans army. They can deliver troops, tear down defenses, and deal incredible damage. Let's take a closer look at them.

Clash of Clans siege machines guides stats Supercell
Here's a guide on all the siege machines in Clash of Clans! | © Supercell

Siege machines are special weapons that can be created in the Workshop at your home base. Each one of these six machines can carry any number of your Clan Castle troops into battle. The method of delivery will vary depending on which one you choose. In any case, siege machines will self-destruct when they have either reached their target, are destroyed by defenses, or are commanded to do so by the player. The Clan Castle troops will then be deployed from the wreckage upon its destruction.

Here's a look at all the siege machines in Clash of Clans, their respective stats, and how you can use them.

All Siege Machines In Clash of Clans

Choosing the right siege machine of the seven currently available in Clash of Clans can drastically improve your chances of success in a battle. We've put this guide to help you choose the right one.

Wall Wrecker

Wall Wrecker Siege Machine Clash of Clans Guide Supercell
Wall Wreckers are great at knocking down those pesky walls! | © Supercell

The Wall Wrecker is the first unlockable siege machine in Clash of Clans. It is immediately available after the construction of the Workshop. These slow-moving ground behemoths target the enemy Town Hall upon their deployment. With its sturdy wall breacher spearheading the way, the Wall Wrecker can easily demolish walls, buildings, and even base defenses as it makes its way towards the Town Hall.

It serves as a stronger substitute than employing the Golems/Barbarians and Wall Breaker troop combo. On top of that, the Wall Wrecker's high HP means that it can function as a good distraction and tanker if it is deployed before troops. However, they are weak against high-level base defenses such as the single-target Inferno Tower and Giga Tesla.

The Wall Wrecker has four levels. Climbing them means upgrading this siege machine to have more HP and damage output.

These are the levels and a breakdown of its stats:

LevelHitpointsDamage per second

Keep in mind that Wall Wreckers are immune to any spell and cannot be aided by Healers. However, it will reap the benefits of the Grand Warden's Life Aura and Eternal Tome ability.

Battle Blimp

Battle Blimp Siege Machine Guide Clash of Clans Supercell
Call in aerial support with the Battle Blimp! | © Supercell

The Battle Blimp is an airborne siege machine that is unlocked when the Workshop is upgraded to level two. Once deployed, they float forward dead set on the enemy Town Hall. The Battle Blimp will steadily drop bombs that deal massive damage to the ground below on its way there. Once destroyed, it will deal massive damage when it crash lands.


Needless to say, the Battle Blimp pairs amazingly well with other air units. You can use it as a distraction for those pesky air defenses while you deploy your weaker troops like Balloons or Baby Dragons. Alternatively, you can utilize popular strategies like the Dragon/Electro Dragon/Lava Hound and Balloons combo.

The Battle Blimp has four levels. Climbing them means upgrading this siege machine to have more HP, damage output, and damage output when destroyed.

These are the levels and a breakdown of its stats:


Damage per second

Damage when destroyed




Stone Slammer

Stone Slammer Siege Machine Clash of Clans Supercell Guide
Look out below! | © Supercell

The Stone Slammer is unlocked upon upgrading the Workshop to level three. It's a heavy-duty balloon that targets defensive buildings with its giant boulders (which will only drop them once they are above the target) that can deal significant splash damage. Like normal Ballon units, this siege machine will ignore regular buildings and be defenseless against enemy airborne troops.

The Stone Slammer is arguably the strongest siege machine in Clash of Clans. Its ability to deal splash damage means that walls will be obliterated too. This could open the possibility of a Queen Archer walk with Healers. Besides that, the Stone Slammer will not self-destruct when it has destroyed all defensive buildings but will continue to other structures, thus ensuring a longer, more impactful presence compared to other siege machines. Pairing this with the Lava Hound and Balloon combo would mean almost certain victory.

The Stone Slammer has four levels. Climbing them means upgrading this siege machine to have more HP and damage output per second.

These are the levels and a breakdown of its stats:



Damage per secondDamage when destroyed



Siege Barracks

Siege Barracks Siege Machines Clash of Clans Guide Supercell
Call in more reinforcements to bolster your attack with the siege barracks! | © Supercell

The Siege Barracks is unlocked upon upgrading the Workshop to level four. This immobile siege machine will parachute down to the battlefield and spawn a force of P.E.K.K.As, Wizards, as well as any of the player's Clan Castle troops. The barrack's HP will decay over time and will fully disintegrate once it reaches zero health.

Though the Siege Barracks isn't the most popular siege machine, it's a great option for supporting your ground troops. Keep in mind that the level of the spawned P.E.K.K.As and Wizards depends on the level the players currently have researched in their Laboratory. These troops are great as an expendable force to distract base defenses or if you need a burst of damage from the Wizards.

The Siege Barracks has four levels. Climbing them means upgrading this siege machine to have more HP and spawned troops.

These are the levels and a breakdown of its stats:

LevelHitpointsP.E.K.K.As spawnedWizards spawned

Log Launcher

Log Launcher Siege Machine Clash of Clans Guide Supercell
Hurl logs at your enemies with this siege machine! | © Supercell

The Log Launcher is unlocked upon upgrading the Workshop to level five. It's a ranged, slow-moving siege machine that has a path set for enemy Town Halls. It will launch logs in a straight path in front of it, dealing splash damage and four-times damage to walls. However, be warned that the Log Launcher will decay health over time the moment it is deployed.

The Log Launcher is arguably a better Wall Wrecker. In terms of strategy, it's about the same, as it's ideal to deploy the Log Launcher in front of walls so the launched logs may effectively deal with them and create a funnel for ground troops. Due to its decaying health, this siege machine will not be a great tanker, so deploy tanky troops like a Golem or Ice Golem in front of it. Queen Archer walks, Goblin swarms, or P.E.K.K.As would be a great option to employ once the walls to the Town Hall are eliminated.

The Log Launcher has four levels. Climbing them means upgrading this siege machine to have more HP, damage per second, and lifetime on the battlefield. However, the rate of health decay will remain the same at all levels.

These are the levels and a breakdown of its stats:

LevelHitpointsDamage per secondLifetimeHealth decay rate


14025 seconds155 HP per second
24,40016028 seconds155 HP per second
34,80018030 seconds155 HP per second
45,20020032 seconds155 HP per second

Log Launchers are immune to any spell and cannot be aided by Healers. However, it will reap the benefits of the Grand Warden's Life Aura, allowing the Log Launcher to last slightly longer than usual. However, his Eternal Tome ability will not have any effect on the Log Launcher's HP decay.

Flame Flinger

Flame Flinger Clash of Clans Siege Machines Guide Supercell
Rain some fire with the Flame Flinger siege machine! | © Supercell

The Flame Flinger is unlocked upon upgrading the Workshop to level six. This siege machine will fling bundles of Fire Spirits towards its target building: defensive structures. Working similarly to the Bowler unit, it can deal damage from a distance. Affected structures and surrounding structures/units will be set on fire for 22 seconds. The Flame Flinger will decay HP over time like the Siege Barracks and Log Launcher.

The Flame Flinger has an impressive range of eleven tiles that outranges other base defenses like mortars or Giga teslas. Hence, this siege engine is a great pick to go up against those high-level defenses. Like the Log Launcher, it's essential to have at least a tanky unit like a Golem in front of the Flame Flinger to prevent it from taking a hit to its already decaying HP.

The Flame Flinger has four levels. Climbing them means upgrading this siege machine to have more HP, damage per second, and lifetime on the battlefield. However, the rate of health decay will remain the same at all levels.

These are the levels and a breakdown of its stats:


Damage per second

11,700135100 seconds
21,800150105 seconds
31,900165111 seconds
42,000180117 seconds

Flame Flingers are immune to any spell and cannot be aided by Healers. However, it will reap the benefits of the Grand Warden's Life Aura, allowing the Log Launcher to last slightly longer than usual. However, his Eternal Tome ability will not have any effect on the Log Launcher's HP decay.

Battle Drill

Clash of Clans Battle Drill Siege Machine Guide Supercell
Drill your way to victory with the Battle Drill! | © Supercell

The Battle Drill is a single-target, ground siege machine that can be unlocked at level 7 of the Siege Workshop. In battle, the Battle Drill will burrow underground to avoid detection by enemies and base defenses. It will then emerge from the ground to stun and attack its favorite target: base defenses.

Once it destroys its target, it will burrow back underground to attack its next target. The Battle Drill is a close-range siege machine that can instantly destroy any Walls it comes into contact with when it surfaces to attack base defenses.

Unlike other siege machines, the Battle Drill cannot be received as a donation in the Clan Castle until it is at least level 6. There are currently four levels that the Battle Drill can be upgraded to.

These are the levels and a breakdown of its stats:

LevelHitpointsDamage Per Second

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Ivan Shahran

Ivan is the Content Lead for MobileMatters and provides coverage for titles such as Clash of Clans, Brawl Stars, Clash Royale, and Wild Rift. In his role, he has written guides and news pieces and attended competitions such as ESL's Snapdragon Pro Series....