Players Angry With New Card Level 15 In Clash Royale

The new Card Level 15 has been met with anger and criticism from the Clash Royale community.

Clash Royale Leve15 Anger
Card Level 15 hasn't sat well with many Clash Royale players. | © Supercell

Supercell recently unveiled the Clash Royale development roadmap for the first few months of 2023. Besides critical changes such as a Pass Royale rework and a new season currency, the devs also included their plans to add a new card level - Card level 15.

This surprised many as it was previously said that no new card level would be added to the game after level 14.

While some are happy that the game is growing in a way, there is a vocal majority within the community that isn't so happy.

For the most part, this has got to do with the upgrade costs. To upgrade a common card from level 13 to level 14, you'll need to collect 5,000 upgrade cards and 100,000 Gold. The resources required only get larger for higher card rarities. That's a mountain to climb - especially if you're a F2P player.

Knowing the insane amount of resources you'll need to upgrade a card to level 14, it's more than certain that upgrading a card to level 15 will be a monumental task.

As one player put it, "I’m not grinding all over again, especially with how slow progression is in this game."

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The Clash Royale gameplay experience will only go downhill from this. | © Supercell

Card progression is a heated topic in Clash Royale. It's described as difficult, lengthy, and almost a requirement that you spend money to make it any further in the game. Luck and consistently winning matches aren't nearly enough to carry you that far.

Sometimes paying to get resources won't even get most of your cards across that coveted card level 14 ceiling.

One player stated "Most of my cards are level 11 and I've been playing since 2016. I've bought hundreds of pounds worth of passes. I have about 20 level 14s. All the fun has been sucked out of it for me and level 15 is the nail in the coffin."

Nightmare Clash Royale
Card level 15 will be a nightmare to come up against. | © Supercell

Supercell mentioned that level 15 cards will come with new powerful abilities and upgraded stats. This means that there will be a huge power difference if you are still grinding to get to level 15 and you match up with someone who has already reached that level. It's simply a lost battle.

That being said, the community is calling on Supercell to reverse its decision to introduce card level 15. Instead, they want the devs to work on fixing fundamental issues such as card progression, the chest reward system, and the terrible pay-to-win aspect that's only going to grow with this new addition.

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Ivan Shahran

Ivan is the Content Lead for MobileMatters and provides coverage for titles such as Clash of Clans, Brawl Stars, Clash Royale, and Wild Rift. In his role, he has written guides and news pieces and attended competitions such as ESL's Snapdragon Pro Series....