How To Unlock M4 Underbarrel Launcher In COD Mobile

The M4 grenade launcher is the latest signature attachment in Call of Duty: Mobile. Learn how you can unlock it through the Too Attached event.

M4 signature attachment grenade launcher too attached event
The M4 has now got a grenade launcher signature attachment. | © Activision Blizzard

Season 2: Heavy Metal for Call of Duty: Mobile is now out, introducing a batch of new content that will take us into March and beyond.

And there is plenty to keep us busy this season. From weapon balance changes that shift the meta to the new Goliath vs. Goliath game mode, there is a lot to discover.

But perhaps the thing that's caught the eye the most is the brand new signature attachment for the M4 assault rifle, which sees a grenade launcher fitted to the underbarrel section of the gun.

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For those unaware, signature attachments are unique to the gun they were designed for, and only a few guns in COD: Mobile has them. They're all cool in their own way, but the one for the M4 looks something special, giving you a one-time explode-on-impact grenade with just one click.

However, you will need to unlock the attachment, which is done by working through the Too Attached event.

This event began when Season 2 launched, and will see you complete a series of challenges associated with assault rifles and the M4.

Below you can find out all the details, including the start/end date, and rewards.

COD: Mobile Too Attached - Start And End Date

The Too Attached event went live on Thursday, February 23 at midnight (UTC).

The event is scheduled to run for 35 days, with an end date of Wednesday, 29 March.

Too Attached - Challenges And Rewards

Six challenges make up the Too Attached seasonal challenge, which must be completed in order.

Alongside an item or cosmetic reward, most challenges earn you between 1000-4500 battle pass XP.

COD Mobile Season 2 Too Attached
There are six challenges to complete in the Too Attached event. | © Activision Blizzard

The challenges, objectives, and rewards are:

Challenge Objective Reward
#1 Kill 15 enemies with any assault rifle equipped with 2 attachments in MP matches Credits (200) and battle pass XP (1000)
#2 Use frag grenades ten times in MP matches [Shard] Manta Ray - Aquatic Adventurer and battle pass XP (1000)
#3 Win an MP match with an assault rifle equipped (must be in hand at end of the match) Restful Spirit - Calling Card and battle pass XP (2000)
#4 Kill five enemies while prone using the M4 in MP matches GKS - Wretched Dawn and battle pass XP (2000)
#5 Kill five enemies with an M4 using hip fire in MP matches Underbarrel Launcher and battle pass XP (2000)
#6 Kill three enemies with the M4 equipped with the signature attachment OR kill 15 enemies using headshot using the M4 in MP matches Silver Crate Coupon and battle pass XP (4500)

For many, the aim will be to complete challenge five, which is the one that will reward you with the M4's underbarrel launcher.

To do so, you will want to make sure you have an assault rifle equipped, then later on, definitely the M4, which is needed for the later challenges. Having said that, you might want to check out our M4 loadout guide to make sure you have the best setup.

Of course, the underbarrel launcher isn't the only reward on offer. There is also plenty of battle pass XP up for grabs, as well as a GKS weapon blueprint called Wretched Dawn.

GKS - Wretched Dawn weapon blueprint
You can get a weapon blueprint for the GKS in this seasonal challenge. | © Activision Blizzard

Remember, each challenge must be completed in order and one after another, but with plenty of time to do so (35 days), you shouldn't have any issues working your way through this one.

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Daniel Conlan
Daniel Conlan