This guide shares the official patch notes for the LEGO Fortnite update that arrived on December 19, 2023, alongside Chapter 5 Season 1.

LEGO Fortnite has been one of the highly successful game modes that Epic Games has promised to support as a full-fledged survival game.
Well! They are living up to their word as they have been making changes to the game to make it a better experience.
Even though it is only a few weeks since it was released, we have already seen quite a few updates for LEGO Fortnite.
Even today, on December 19, 2023, LEGO Fortnite received an update that addressed some of the major issues while improving certain aspects of the game.
To give you a better look at today's update, we have shared the official patch notes below.
LEGO Fortnite Official Patch Notes For Today
Here are the patch notes for today's LEGO Fortnite update:
Hungry? More Filling Snacks!
We heard feedback that food in LEGO Fortnite wasn’t reducing hunger very much, so we made adjustments to make your snacks more filling!
Elimination While Cavin'
We fixed a bug that might have made you lose your items after being eliminated in the transition between aboveground and belowground. Thanks for your patience as this was being worked on — we understand it was frustrating to lose your items (we were losing our items too!).
ICYMI, last week we also made the following changes before today’s update:
- The durability of non-Rare/non-Epic tools and weapons has increased by 30%. For Rare/Epic tools and weapons, the durability has increased by 60%!
- Reduced damage of the Brute’s Poison area for all three Brutes.
- Reduced damage of the Frost Scorpion explosion.
Critter Changes
- Sand Scorpions, Scorpions found in caves, regular Scorpions, Crabs on the shoreline, Sand Spiders, and Alpine Frost Spiders are slightly easier to defeat.Rams now give Heavy Wool.
Other Tweaks & Improvements
- Grapplers now hold 30 charges.
- Spiders won’t jumpscare you as often when turning over rocks.
For more on LEGO Fortnite, check out our other guides:
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