All Arclight Skins In Legends Of Runeterra

Several new skins were introduced to Legends of Runeterra with the arrival of the massive Arclight event. Let's go over all of them.

Legends of Runeterra Arclight Skins Content Guides Riot Games
Here are all the Arclight skins in Legends of Runeterra. | © Riot Games

The Arclight event will be available between October 12 and November 16 in Legends of Runeterra. Riot will introduce several new Arclight champion skins to the game to celebrate its arrival, quests, and challenges.

There are various designs and ways you can obtain each of them. Let's take this opportunity to look at these skins and how you get them.

All Arclight Skins In Legends Of Runeterra

Five champions received an Arclight skin: Vayne, Varus, Seraphine, Shyvana, and Galio.

Arclight Vayne

Legends of Runeterra Arclight Vayne skin champion guide Riot Games
Vanquish your enemies with the Arclight Vayne skin. | © Riot Games

The Arclight Vayne skin and champion card can be claimed for free at Node 1 of the Arclight event road with the Premium Event Pass.

Arclight Varus

Legends of Runeterra Arclight Skins Varus Guides Riot Games
Take to the skies with Arclight Varus. | © Riot Games

The Arclight Varus skin and champion card can be claimed for free at Node 60 of the Arclight event road with the Premium Event Pass.

Arclight Seraphine

Legends of Runeterra Arclight Seraphine skin guide Riot Games
Rock the world with the Arclight Seraphine skin. | © Riot Games

The Arclight Seraphine skin and champion card can be purchased for 700 coins.

Arclight Shyvana

Legends of Runeterra Arclight Shyvana Skins Champion Guides Riot Games
Arclight Shyvana looks incredible! | © Riot Games

The Arclight Shyvana skin and champion card can be purchased for 700 coins.

Justicar Galio

Legends of Runeterra Justicar Galio Arclight skin champion guide Riot Games
Unleash some justice with the Justicar Galio skin. | © Riot Games

The Justicar Galio skin and champion card can be purchased for 700 coins.

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Ivan Shahran

Ivan is the Content Lead for MobileMatters and provides coverage for titles such as Clash of Clans, Brawl Stars, Clash Royale, and Wild Rift. In his role, he has written guides and news pieces and attended competitions such as ESL's Snapdragon Pro Series....