In this guide, I explain how you can get the Princess Capuchin Monkey in Adopt Me.

The Princess Capuchin Monkey is one of the six Capuchin Monkeys added in Adopt Me with the recent Capuchin Fairground Event that players can obtain if they have the base pet and a few special items.
In this guide, I will share every detail you need to obtain a Princess Capuchin Monkey in the game. So keep reading!
How To Get Princess Capuchin Monkey
In Adopt Me, you can get the Legendary Princess Capuchin Monkey by talking to her at the Capuchin Fairground while having 3 Tutus. Once you do that, your Capuchin Monkey will get traded for the special Princess Capuchin Monkey.
On that note, I would remind players that, to obtain the Princess Capuchin Monkey, you must first have a Capuchin Monkey.
How To Get Tutus In Adopt Me

Tutu is one of the event-exclusive items in Adopt Me that players can obtain from Standard and Premium Capuchin Boxes.
The drop rate for Tutu in the Standard Box is 9.5%, whereas if you open a Premium Box, you have a 40% chance of obtaining a Tutu.
Now, for players who don't know, the Standard Box costs 300 Bucks, and the Premium Capuchin Box costs 100 Robux.