The latest update, patch 4.3d, has introduced several balance changes to champions, items, and runes in Wild Rift. Let's dive into all the details.

Wild Rift is heading into another round of balance changes with the release of patch 4.3d.
Naturally, this piece of news may come as a surprise to some players as we usually see only three minor patches released in each major update. However, these are interesting times as we're seeing a fourth patch released during patch 4.3.
However, it will be a shorter one in comparison to its compatriots as it will only last two weeks before it is replaced with the highly-anticipated patch 4.4 update.
Wild Rift patch 4.3d was released on October 12, 2023. Here's a complete look at the balance changes it contains.
Wild Rift Patch 4.3d Balance Changes
Patch 4.3d houses a large portion of balance changes that are geared toward buffing champions, items, and runes. Meanwhile, buffs and adjustments are kept at a minimum.

Champions are getting a major improvement with names such as Renekton, Wukong, Xin Zhao, and Kayn seeing the biggest buffs to date.
Meanwhile, runes such as Domination: Eyeball Collection, Ingenious Hunter, Domination: Zombie Ward, and Inspiration: Hextech Flashtraption will see their abilities upgraded.
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Staple items such as the Ancient Coin and Boots of Dynamism will also be improved upon.
Here are the buffs in detail:
Champion/Item | Buffs |
Kayn |
Renekton |
Xin Zhao |
Wukong |
Ancient Coin |
Berserker Greaves |
Boots of Dynamism |
Duskblade of Draktharr |
Magnetron Enchant |
Mercury's Treads |
Domination: Eyeball Collection |
Domination: Ingenious Hunter |
Domination: Zombie Ward |
Inspiration: Hextech Flashtraption |

Katarina has been one of the most outstanding champions in the Wild Rift meta over the past few patches, so her nerf was somewhat imminent. We will see downgrades being made to her Voracity ability.
Hecarim also receive several outstanding nerfs that will certainly see his Jungling abilities reduced.
On the other hand, Plated Steelcaps and Relic Shield will be the only items nerfed.
Here are the nerfs in detail:
Champion/Item | Nerfs |
Hecarim |
Katarina |
Plated Steelcaps |
Relic Shield |

In patch 4.3d, Janna will finally receive her long-awaited rework. Riot had reasoned earlier that they hope to specifically improve her Howling Gale ability and to ensure that her abilities, in general, perform more consistently.
Besides this, Harmonic Echo will also be adjusted.
Here are the adjustments in detail:
Champion/Item | Adjustments |
Janna |
Harmonic Echo |
The next set of balance changes will be released alongside patch 4.4 on October 25, 2023.
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