In this guide, we give a complete overview of Wild Rift patch 4.4. It includes details about its release date, new champions, upcoming skins, balance changes, and more.

With the doors closed on patch 4.3, many Wild Rift players are now looking forward to the arrival of patch 4.4. As we are also approaching the end of 2023, this patch will be the last major update of the year.
Given the occasion, Riot will be topping it all off with a bang. This includes introducing new champions, skins, balance changes, and other novel features.
To help you get an idea of what you can hope to see, we have compiled all the information we know about the update in this guide.
That said, here are all the details about Wild Rift patch 4.4.
Wild Rift Patch 4.4 Release Date
Wild Rift patch 4.4 will be released on October 25, 2023.
With the launch of this new patch, players can also expect the start of Ranked Season 11 and Wild Pass Season 16.
New Wild Rift Champions In Patch 4.4

Fiddlesticks, Sivir, and Zyra have been confirmed to be the new champions for patch 4.4.
Fiddlesticks would be best suited for Jungling due to his powerful mage abilities that allow him to drain the health of enemies and deal strong area damage. He was released on October 25.
With Sivir, her marksman abilities will grant her additional attack speed, movement speed, and spell benefits. This would enable her to become a potent ADC pick that can be useful in the late game.
Zyra possesses a formidable, nature-inspired skillset that empowers her with the ability to hand out devasting damage. Zyra would be a great champion as a support or mid-lane pick.
New Wild Rift Patch 4.4 Champion Skins

24 new skins will be introduced to Wild Rift in patch 4.4. The update will see the continuation of a couple of popular skin lines such as Crystal Rose and Spirit Blossom.
Here are all the skins:
- Ashen Knight Pantheon
- Beemo
- Bloodmoon Sivir
- Bloodmoon Tryndamere
- Count Kassadin
- Coven Evelynn
- Coven Zyra
- Crystal Rose Gwen
- Crystal Rose Gwen Prestige
- Crystal Rose Jayce
- Crystal Rose Seraphine
- Crystal Rose Vayne
- Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks
- Spirit Blossom Ahri
- Spirit Blossom Master Yi
- Prestige Spirit Blossom Master Yi
- Spirit Blossom Riven
- Spirit Blossom Sett
- Spirit Blossom Tristana
- Zombie Brand
Besides skins, other novel cosmetics such as emotes, icons, borders, and more will be added to the game.
Wild Rift Patch 4.4 Gameplay Adjustments And Balance Changes

As previously confirmed, Riot will be introducing the League of Legends' Arena to Wild Rift. It is a 2v2v2v2 game mode that offers players a unique gameplay experience with a new map layout, mechanics, and more.
As usual, balance changes are also expected to arrive. The champions, items, and runes in question are yet to be confirmed.
What has been confirmed is that Sona and Ziggs will receive impactful reworks that will enable them to shine once more in Wild Rift. With Sona, Riot aims to provide her with "more playmaking potential". For Ziggs, the objective is to simply make him more explosive by improving his passive and Ultimate.
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