The Builder's Apprentice is a character in Clash of Clans that allows you to speed up your building upgrades. Sounds helpful, right? Well, here's everything you need to know about him.

Introduced in the June update, the Builder's Apprentice is a brand-new Clash of Clans character that is exclusively available at Home Village. Capable of quickening your existing building upgrades, he's certainly a Builder you want to recruit.
The Builder's Apprentice is the perfect addition to your Village if you're looking to breeze through the rather lengthy building upgrade times that can often plague you if you're a high Town Hall level player.
With that in mind, we'll show you the key details about the Builder's Apprentice in Clash of Clans.
How The Builder's Apprentice Works In Clash Of Clans

The Builder's Apprentice can speed up your Builder upgrades for one hour every 23 hours. You will be able to assign the apprentice to any upgrade that's currently in the works by another Builder. The 23-hour cooldown begins immediately after you assign the apprentice to an upgrade.
You can upgrade the Builder's Apprentice up to Level 8. A higher level will result in him being able to speed up the upgrade faster.
It's important to note that the Builder's Apprentice cannot start a building upgrade and can only be used at the Home Village. A Builder Potion magic item will not affect the Builder's Apprentice.
How To Unlock The Builder's Apprentice

You can unlock the Builder's Apprentice by purchasing him from the in-game shop for 500 Gems.
Keep in mind that you will only be able to recruit him once you reach Town Hall 10.
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