Where To Find Kalpalata Lotus In Genshin Impact (Best Farming Route)

In this guide, we will share the location of Kalpalata Lotus in Genshin Impact while talking about some of the best farming routes.

Kalpalata Lotus Location Genshin Impact
Here's a location guide for Kalpalata Lotus in Genshin Impact. | © HoYoverse

Kalpalata Lotus is one of Sumeru's local specialty that players can use to ascend playable characters like Dori, the Dendro Archon, Nahida, and other upcoming characters in Genshin Impact.

Unlike the other local specialties that you can find while exploring Sumeru, the Kalpalata Lotus are hard to find as they are vine plants that hang from surfaces that you can easily miss.

Seeing that, we are here with a handy location guide on where to find Kalpalata Lotus in Genshin Impact while talking about the best farming route.

Genshin Impact Kalpalata Lotus Location

Genshin Impact
Here's a look at the Kalpalata Lotus plant in Genshin Impact. | © HoYoverse

In Genshin Impact, you can find Kalpalata Lotus in Mawtiyima Forest, Gandharva Ville, west of Sumeru City, Vissudha Field, Yasna Monument, east of Port Ormos, south of Vimara Village, and a few other locations found in the Sumeru Region.

To make your search easier, here is a map screenshot that shares the location of all Kalpalata Lotus in Genshin Impact:

Genshin Impact Kalpalata Lotus Location
Here's all Kalpalata Lotus location in Genshin Impact. | © HoYoverse Via AppSample

Go to any of the said locations and look at edges, walls, and other such things, as the Kalpalata Lotus grows on vines that hang from such surfaces.

Some of the best locations that we like for farming are the Kalpalata Lotus in Genshin Impact, south of Vimara Village, as there are five of them close to one another. And the Vassudha Field, as the Kalpalata Lotus, is found hanging from rocky surfaces near the waterfall.

Mawtiyima Forest is also a great location to farm the Kalpalata Lotus, but we don't recommend it as the location is like a maze and can easily give hard time to new players.

Best Farming Route For Kalpalata Lotus In Genshin Impact

Kalpalata Lotus Location and Best farming route Genshin Impact
Here's the best farming route for Kalpalata Lotus in Genshin Impact. | © HoYoverse

The best farming route for Kalpalata Lotus in Genshin Impact is as follows:

  • Gandharva Ville >South of Vimara Village > Ardravi Valley (West of Port Ormos) > Apam Wood > Ashavan Realm (West of Apam Wood) > Yasna Monument > Vissudha Field > Mawtiyima Forest.

That concludes our guide on where to find Kalpalata Lotus in Genshin Impact.

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Hritwik Raj

Hritwik has been playing all kinds of games since childhood and is a self-proclaimed guru of all games. He is one of the Gaming Leads at MobileMatters who is always inclined towards souls games, shooters like Apex Legends and Call of Duty, RPGs and MMOs....