Supercell has revealed two new brawlers, Angelo and Melodie, who are set to arrive in Brawl Stars during the upcoming seasons. Here's everything we know about them so far.

In the February 2024 edition of Brawl Talk, Brawl Stars Community Managers Dani and Marzio outlined everything that players can expect to see in the next two seasons occurring between March and April.
From the massive Power League rework, a new game mode known as 'Trophy Escape', and various new skins among other things, there are plenty of new changes and features that will be making their way to Brawl Stars soon.
However, one piece of revealed information stands out above the rest and it's unsurprisingly the news of the game's two newest brawlers: Angelo and Melodie. They are both powerful brawlers who bring with them unique abilities that will surely shake up the current meta and provide players with novel strategic options.
Angelo And Melodie Are Brawl Stars' Newest Brawlers

Angelo is an Epic brawler who will join Willow's 'Swamp of Love' trio. Fittingly, he lives in a swampy love tunnel at Starr Park and is described as someone who "loves to gossip about other brawlers to make them fight each other."
Angelo is a sharpshooter brawler who comes with a unique perk when aiming. The longer you hold the aim button, the stronger the attack gets (and subsequently, the more damage you deal to enemies).
Like the mosquito that he is, Angelo can also fly. He uses his wings to hover over water obstacles in a similar fashion to Eve.

With his Super, Angelo can summon a swamp circle in any location on the map. Any enemies inside this toxic circle will take damage over time. This Super also makes Angelo's main attack more powerful as it adds poison to his arrows that deal passive damage over time.
You can unlock Angelo on the Starr Road by collecting 925 Credits (or using 169 Gems). He will be released at the beginning of the 'Sands of Time' season in March 2024. Angelo will be added to Brawl Stars alongside his 29-Gem cupid-themed skin known as 'Elf Angelo'.

Melodie is a Mythic brawler who is known as a popular karaoke singer in Starr Park.
She is an assassin brawler who possesses a long-range main attack that deals moderate damage. On top of this, each target hit will summon a musical note that floats around her. These musical notes will slowly spin around Melodie and deal damage to any enemies that they touch. She can have up to three musical notes orbiting her.
These notes will not disappear once it hits an enemy, but rather, they will gradually disappear over time.

Melodie's Super enables her to gain three dashes that must be used during the same Super activation. These allow her to dash across the map like Stu's Super, but over a longer distance. She cannot recharge her Super until all three dashes are consumed.
We recommend collecting a maximum of three musical notes before activating Melodie's dashing Super. This will allow you to deal incredibly high damage in an AoE-like effect with each dash.
Melodie will be released in late March 2024. You can unlock her on the Starr Road by collecting 1,900 Credits (or using 349 Gems). Inspired by Norse mythology, Melodie's first skin, known as the 'Sif Melodie' will also be added to the game shortly after her release.
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