We will dive into all the champion buffs and nerfs that were introduced to Wild Rift in the patch 4.3c balance changes.

Riot has released a new patch update, appropriately named patch 4.3c, and it introduces several changes to Wild Rift. For the most part, the patch implemented a set of balance changes that aim to buff and nerf champions depending on their performance in the meta.
Besides that, Hecarim was finally added to the champion roster. He can now unleash his wrath as he charges into battles and crushes his enemies.
Patch Notes 4.3c Hecarim charges in! Prestige Valiant Sword Riven, Immortal Journey Diana, and Immortal Journey Tryndamere make their debut!The Star Guardians are back, with new skins and an event!Balance updates! https://t.co/lduV1mFf9w pic.twitter.com/96J2IkHpll
— League of Legends: Wild Rift (@wildrift) September 13, 2023
To spice things up even further, several new skins, such as that from the Star Guardian line, were added to the game.
Limited-time events such as Hecarim's Charge and Star Guardian will also begin during the patch
While all of this proves to be exciting, we know you're here for the buffs and nerfs, so here's a look at the Wild Rift patch 4.3c balance changes.
Wild Rift Patch 4.3c Balance Changes

The latest Wild Rift patch presents a near-even mix of buffs and nerfs. Only champions were targeted, while items and runes remained unchanged.
Ahri, Lee Sin, Morgana, Samira, Teemo, and Tryndamere were buffed. Meanwhile, Annie, Jhin, Ornn, Vayne, and Vladimir were nerfed.
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The standouts in these changes belong to two champions. Firstly, Annie finally received her massive rework that was teased at the beginning of patch 4.3. Secondly, Vladimir - one of the patch's newest champions - received a rather large nerf.
That said, you can find the complete patch 4.3c balance changes:
Champion | Balance Changes |
Ahri |
Annie |
Jhin |
Lee Sin |
Morgana |
Ornn |
Samira |
Teemo |
Tryndamere |
Vayne |
Vladimir |
Patch 4.3 will be available in Wild Rift between September 14 and October 12, 2023.
After which, Wild Rift patch 4.4 is expected to launch. This coming update is expected to introduce new champions, skins, events, rune changes, and more.
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