Wild Rift Patch 4.3c Balance Changes: All Champions Buffs & Nerfs

We will dive into all the champion buffs and nerfs that were introduced to Wild Rift in the patch 4.3c balance changes.

League of Legends Wild Rift patch 4.3c balance changes buffs nerfs riot games
Wild Rift patch 4.3c has introduced new balance changes to the game. | © Riot Games

Riot has released a new patch update, appropriately named patch 4.3c, and it introduces several changes to Wild Rift. For the most part, the patch implemented a set of balance changes that aim to buff and nerf champions depending on their performance in the meta.

Besides that, Hecarim was finally added to the champion roster. He can now unleash his wrath as he charges into battles and crushes his enemies.

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To spice things up even further, several new skins, such as that from the Star Guardian line, were added to the game.

Limited-time events such as Hecarim's Charge and Star Guardian will also begin during the patch

While all of this proves to be exciting, we know you're here for the buffs and nerfs, so here's a look at the Wild Rift patch 4.3c balance changes.

Wild Rift Patch 4.3c Balance Changes

League of Legends Wild Rift patch 4.3c balance changes Annie Riot Games
Annie has received a major nerf in the Wild Rift patch 4.3c balance changes. | © Riot Games

The latest Wild Rift patch presents a near-even mix of buffs and nerfs. Only champions were targeted, while items and runes remained unchanged.

Ahri, Lee Sin, Morgana, Samira, Teemo, and Tryndamere were buffed. Meanwhile, Annie, Jhin, Ornn, Vayne, and Vladimir were nerfed.

  • If you're looking to improve in Wild Rift, then you can start with what the pro players usually use: finger sleeves. They help reduce sweat and make sure your fingers stay comfortable throughout matches.

The standouts in these changes belong to two champions. Firstly, Annie finally received her massive rework that was teased at the beginning of patch 4.3. Secondly, Vladimir - one of the patch's newest champions - received a rather large nerf.

That said, you can find the complete patch 4.3c balance changes:

ChampionBalance Changes
  • Essence Theft regeneration from takedowns increased from 70/110/150/190 + 30% Ability Power → 80/120/160/200 + 35% Ability Power
  • Fox-Fire bonus movement speed increased from 40% → 45%
  • Pyromania stun time decreased from 1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds → 1/1.25/1.5 seconds
  • Disintegrate base damage decreased from 80/130/180/230 → 80/125/170/215
  • Molten Shield cooldown rescaled from 14/13/12/11 seconds → 14 seconds
  • Molten Shield base shield decreased from 50/110/170/230 → 50/100/150/200
  • Molten Shield bonus movement speed decreased from 30/35/40/45% → 20/25/30/35%
  • Summon: Tibbers damage on first release decreased from 140/250/360 + 60% Ability Power → 130/230/330 + 60% Ability Power
  • Summon: Tibbers damage on second release decreased from 120/170/220 + 40% Ability Power → 110/150/190 + 30% Ability Power
  • Summon: Tibbers casting range of pounce decreased from 800 → 700


  • Whisper bonus damage of the last bullet decreased from 14% + level × 1% (reach the upper limit of 25% on level 11) Health loss → 10% + level × 1% (reach the upper limit of 25% on level 15) Health loss
  • Deadly Flourish damage decreased from 50/100/150/200 + 50% Attack Damage → 60/100/140/180 + 40% Attack Damage
Lee Sin
  • Sonic Wave/Resonating Strike cooldown decreased from 10/9/8/7 seconds → 9/8/7/6 seconds
  • Safeguard cooldown decreased from 17 seconds → 17/16/15/14 seconds
  • Tempest/Cripple bonus attack damage increased from 100% → 125%
  • Tempest/Cripple cooldown decreased from 10 seconds → 8 seconds
  • Dragon's Rage base damage increased from 175/400/625 → 200/425/650
  • Tormented Shadow base damage increased from 5/10/15/20 → 7/12/17/22
  • Black Shield cooldown decreased from 16/14/12/10 seconds → 13/12/11/10 seconds
  • Living Forge bonus health, armor, and magic resistance ratio decreased from 7/14/21/28% → 7/12/17/22%
  • Bellows Breath brittle damage decreased from 5% - 24% Maximum health → 5% - 20% Maximum health
  • Bellows Breath minimum damage to minions decreased from 110/160/210/260 → 80/130/180/230
  • Daredevil Impulse bonus movement speed of each stack increased from 2.5% → 3.5%
  • Flair base damage increased from 10/15/20/25 → 15/20/25/30
  • Flair attack damage increased from 80/95/110/125% → 90/105/120/135%
  • Inferno Trigger mana consumption decreased from 100/50/0 → 60/30/0
  • Inferno Trigger attack damage increased from 50% → 55%
  • Toxic Shot damage per second increased from 5 + Level × 2 + 7.5% Ability Power → 5 + Level × 3 + 9% Ability Power
  • Move Quick cooldown decreased from 17 seconds → 17/16/15/14 seconds
  • Noxious Trap base explosion damage increased from 100/150/200 → 125/175/225
  • Bloodlust; every point of Fury brings bonus regeneration increased from 0.7/1.3/1.9/2.5 + 1.2% Ability Power → 1/1.6/2.2/2.8 + 1.2% Ability Power
  • Mocking Shout cooldown decreased from 14 seconds → 12 seconds
  • Attack speed per level decreased from 3.2% → 2.2%
  • Night Hunter bonus movement speed when moving toward enemy champions decreased from 15/20/30 → 10/15/20
  • Condemn cooldown increased from 18/16/14/12 seconds → 21/18/15/12 seconds
  • Transfusion crimson rush regeneration decreased from 20 + Level × 12 + (5%+ 0.04% Ability Power) × Health lost → 20 + Level × 10 + (5% + 0.03% Ability Power) × Health lost
  • Sanguine Pool damage decreased from 20/40/60/80 + 3% Maximum health → 20/40/60/80 + 2% Maximum health
  • Tides of Blood damage decreased from 30/50/70/90 + 40% Ability Power +3% Maximum health → 20/40/60/80 + 35% Ability Power + 2.5% Maximum health

Patch 4.3 will be available in Wild Rift between September 14 and October 12, 2023.

After which, Wild Rift patch 4.4 is expected to launch. This coming update is expected to introduce new champions, skins, events, rune changes, and more.

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Ivan Shahran

Ivan is the Content Lead for MobileMatters and provides coverage for titles such as Clash of Clans, Brawl Stars, Clash Royale, and Wild Rift. In his role, he has written guides and news pieces and attended competitions such as ESL's Snapdragon Pro Series....