Want to know all the buffs, nerfs, and adjustments from the recent Wild Rift update? Then here is a look at the patch 4.4a balance changes.

The first sub-patch the 4.4 update, patch 4.4a, is here in Wild Rift. It introduces several new skins from League's new boy band, HEARTSTEEL, and adds new balance changes
A new game mode, Arena, has also been added to Wild Rift. In it, players will be able to queue up solo or with a duo in this exciting 2v2v2v2 mode. Each player will be placed in teams of two where they will face each other in a series of duels in varying arenas on each map. Every round won will decrease the enemies’ total health and the last team standing will win the game.
But back to the topic at hand, patch 4.4a will heavily switch up the meta and the champions that reign superior by introducing balance changes that have buffed, nerfed, and adjusted champions and items in Wild Rift.
Overview Of Wild Rift Patch 4.4a Balance Changes

Aatrox, Brand, Corki, Ekko, Fiora, Shyvana, Vi, Warwick, and Yasuo were buffed in patch 4.4a. Riot states that these champions were either underperforming in the current meta or have been neglected over the past few patches. Hence, a massive nerf to both their abilities and stats were in order and this is what happened in this new patch.
Here are the buffs in detail:
Champion | Buff |
Aatrox |
Brand |
Corki |
Ekko |
Fiora |
Shyvana |
Vi |
Warwick |
Yasuo |

Janna, Mejai's Soulstealer, Runnan's Hurricane, and Yuumi were nerfed. Mostly, their inclusion in this unfortunate list boils down to their overpoweredness. Their abilities and stats are more than the meta can handle and thus, can be difficult to counter. So, they have been nerfed.
Here are the nerfs in detail:
Champion | Nerfs |
Janna |
Mejai's Soulstealer |
Runnan's Hurricane |
Yuumi |

Crown of the Shattered Queen and Twitch were adjusted in patch 4.4a. With the former, Riot wanted to make it easier to counter while retaining its power levels for mages. As for Twitch, the devs wanted to improve his abilities to fulfill his multiple champion roles and ensure that they can be countered.
Here are the adjustments in detail:
Champion | Adjustments |
Crown of the Shattered Queen |
Twitch |
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