In this guide, we show you all the released timecodes, security logs, and anomalies that have taken place at the Brawl Stars Starr Park CCTV website.

Supercell has launched a very cryptic website that transports players to a secret CCTV room known as 'Security Room 2E'. At this strange location, players can monitor the entirety of Starr Park in Brawl Stars using a series of cameras.
Now, its existence is shrouded in mystery with a short video from the devs stating that everything is normal at the iconic park despite several strange incidents having taken place.
Everything is normal #StarrParkCCTV
— Brawl Stars (@BrawlStars) November 2, 2023
The goal of the CCTV room website is for players to find the various timecodes that can be input into the Timecoder at the Security System. According to the Brawl Stars team, these codes are important in proving that "everything was a lie" and that horrible events have indeed taken place at Starr Park.
These codes are scattered across the website's various CCTV screens and appear at random points throughout the day. The key to finding them all is to have a keen eye. But, we understand that not everyone has the time to do so, so we have been keeping track of them. We have also logged all of the new CCTV footage and changes within the room.
All Brawl Stars Timecodes

The timecodes are a combination of the date and the hour, minute, and second at which a specific event happens. At the time of writing, only 12 timecodes have been revealed. We have listed them below.
The available timecodes in Brawl Stars are:
- 30/11/95 18:16:50
- 27/11/95 17:00:49
- 24/11/95 12:02:25
- 22/11/85 08:33:23
- 21/11/95 18:44:18
- 18/11/95 08:16:10
- 14/11/95 20:01:27
- 11/11/95 18:17:12
- 09/11/95 19:14:23
- 07/11/95 11:28:02
- 05/11/95 16:01:52
- 04/11/95 15:36:22
You can use these codes by pressing on the Security System that is located on the table. After this, select the 'Time Coder' button and enter any of the respective timecodes to unlock CCTV footage, events, and hidden lore.
Daily Security Log & CCTV Footage
The CCTV room observes several changes throughout the day. New CCTV footage, Security Logs, and timecodes can also be found. Altogether, they appear to provide a backstory to how Starr Park was formed and how the many beloved brawlers from Brawl Stars came to be.
We have listed out the events that took place on each day since the website was launched.
Day 1

The CCTV room website was launched. In it, you can find a security room that is full of CCTV monitors, a Starr Park Security Logbook, a Security System, and a phone.
In the Security Log, two pages can be found. One dated 2/11/1995 states that the "job is too easy" and that "nothing bad ever happens." Another log dated 3/11/1995 states that the job is boring. The author of these logs and future ones is a security guard named Rik.
Day 2
A Security Log for 4/11/1995 states that everything is going "GREAT!" and that he can take long lunch breaks.
A new timecode was revealed: 04/11/95 15:36:22.
Day 3
Leon, Mandy, Nita, and Poco can be seen in the CCTV videos. Nita was seen distracting Mandy while Leon stole lollipops from Mandy's confectionary stand. Leon was eventually caught by a guard that many call Rik. Poco on the other hand, was playing his guitar in front of a crowd next to Mandy's stand.
Adding context for those who haven't seen the last post about the CCTVMandy, Leon, Nita and Poco can be seen in the tape.Nita distracts Mandy while Leon steals lollipops and eventually gets caught by the guard (Rik?)What do you think about this situation? What could come...
— CLB | Brawl Stars Leaks (@chatleaksbrawl) November 4, 2023
On the StarrPark CCTV, an explosion was seen at the underground Gem mine where Jacky and Dynamike were present. It seemed like a piece of rope was ignited and caused the explosion. After this, Dynamike can be seen happily hugging several pink Gems.
There was an explosion in the mine! Dynamike and Jacky found a lot of gems with this! What do you think will happen next? #BrawlStars #BizarreCircus #StarrParkCCTV
— CLB | Brawl Stars Leaks (@chatleaksbrawl) November 5, 2023
A new camera angle can be seen on the StarrPark CCTV such as a shooting range, a place outside of Bumper's Box, an underground Gem mine, Mike's Mines, and Barley's.
A new timecode was revealed: 05/11/95 16:01:52
Day 4
A new Security Log page was added for the date 5/11/1995. It described a "run-in with some juvenile delinquents yesterday." This was most likely describing what happened between Mandy and Leon. It also describes a new song that goes "Doo Doo Doo, Daa, Bee Doo."
Another Security Log dated 6/11/1995 states that "there was a major explosion in the mines". This supposedly describes what happened to Jacky and Dynamike in the mines yesterday.
The Security Tape Archives now shows alerts for "Unwatches Security Footage." This includes the footage of the events that took place at Mandy's stand and the underground mine.
Day 5
CCTV footage has revealed that Dynamike gave Bull the pink Gems he found in the mine. After touching them, Bull went crazy and took off his diner clothing to reveal his base Brawl Stars skin.
New Code Found! 07/11/95 11:28:02Dynamike gave the gems he found to bull and he went crazy after touching them What do you think will happen next? #BrawlStars #BizarreCircus #StarrParkCCTV
— CLB | Brawl Stars Leaks (@chatleaksbrawl) November 7, 2023
A Security Log for 7/11/1995 has a drawing of Dynamike with explosives in his hands. It also shows a new invention for socks on your hands that eventually get scribbled out.
A new timecode was revealed: 07/11/95 11:28:02.
Day 6
CCTV footage shows that Bull has returned to Bull's Diner. However, he is without his diner uniform and appears to be acting wild and irrationally.
New footage has also revealed that Nita and Leon tried stealing the Gem from Bull. Leon became invisible when he grabbed the Gem. Bull then shoots at both of them. Leon throws the Gem away, but it is quickly retrieved by Nita. After touching it, she becomes enraged.
New Timecode found! 09/11/95 19:14:23Nita and Leon stole the Gem from Bull and they all went crazy!!! What do you think about this? #BrawlStars #BizarreCircus #StarrParkCCTV
— CLB | Brawl Stars Leaks (@chatleaksbrawl) November 9, 2023
A new page was added to the Security Log for the date 8/11/1995. It describes "interesting activities" that happened in Bull's Diner.
A new timecode was revealed: 09/11/95 19:14:23.
Day 7

A new page was added to the Security Log for the date 9/11/1995. A short message states that "a lot of suspicious activities" are happening around Starr Park. It appears to allude to the idea that the Gems are causing people to become crazy as described by the mention of "Mercury in retrograde".
A new page was added to the Security Log for the date 10/11/1995. It is a note to self stating "Don't touch the terrifying glowing rocks."
Day 8
CCTV footage revealed that Poco touched the Gem that Leon and Nita stole. Upon coming into contact with it, he transforms from a human into his regular skeleton form and begins shooting outward toward a crowd of people.
New Timecode Found! 11/11/95 18:17:12We can see that the gem which Leon and Nita stole was dropped by Leon near Poco, he touches it and gets his powers and starts damaging the people in the park! What do you think of this? #BrawlStars #BizarreCircus #StarrParkCCTV
— CLB | Brawl Stars Leaks (@chatleaksbrawl) November 11, 2023
The Security Log was updated with a note for the date 12/11/1995. It states "The employee cafeteria is going to be awkward tomorrow" which seemingly alludes to the events that occurred to Poco the park entertainer.
A new timecode was revealed: 11/11/95 18:17:12.
Day 9
No major events occurred today. The Security Log was updated with a new entry that is dated 13/11/1995. It notes "A lot to discuss at the water cooler today. A looooooot." This again appears to be referencing what happened to Poco.
Day 10
New CCTV footage shows Shelly presumably killing Dynamike at Ranger Ranch. This took place after Dynamike ran into her with the glowing Gems.
New Timecode Found! 14/11/95 20:01:27Shelly killed Dynamike!? What do you think of this? #BrawlStars #BizarreCircus #StarrParkCCTV
— CLB | Brawl Stars Leaks (@chatleaksbrawl) November 14, 2023
It appears that fog is covering up parts of Starr Park, as can be seen through the various cameras. At the moment, it is unknown what this means or could bring.
A new page, dated 14/11/1995, was entered into the Security Log which states that the security guard, Rik, had snuck out of work early tonight. Another entry, dated 15/11/1995, reveals that Rik had called landscaping about a "dead guy in bushes" — most likely referring to Dynamike.
A new timecode was revealed: 14/11/95 20:01:27.
Day 11

The Security Log has been updated with a note, dated 16/11/1995, stating "Hopefully no one finds out about this." This again, seems to refer to the incident involving Dynamike.
Today, the park opened up late. Though not confirmed, it's rumored to be because of the lightning, rain, and fog that is appearing in certain parts of the Starr Park.
Day 12
A strange Security Log entry (with no date, but presumably for 17/11/1995) shows a drawing of Rik going mad. Nothing else occurred besides the calendar on the table disappearing.
Day 13
Security guard Rik appears to be descending into insanity. His recent Security Log entries indicate this and his log today seems to confirm it. It states to "look into worker's comp STAT." This seemingly suggests that Rik worries he will be hurt during his night shift.
Day 14
"Dynamike was never legally pronounced dead", according to a new video released by the Brawl Stars teams. This confirms many players' suspicions that he was not killed in the argument with Shelly, but rather only hurt.
Dynamike was never legally pronounced dead, so technically he's not breaking the law! #StarrParkCCTV
— Brawl Stars (@BrawlStars) November 17, 2023
A Security Log, dated 19/11/1995, states that Rik "finally got landscaping to look into the bushes. They said there's nobody in there." This further corroborates the idea that Dynamike is still alive and well.
A new timecode was revealed: 18/11/95 08:16:10.
Day 15
A new Security Log, dated 20/11/1995, states "Well, this isn't going to look good on a resume."
Day 16
Cracks are starting to appear on the Starr Park grounds. The fissures appear to be glowing pink — the same color as the Gems that have been at the center of much controversy lately.
A Security Log, dated 21/11/1995, shows Rik noticing this. He has begun wondering if this will affect his bonus.
Day 17
The glowing pink fissures found across the park have begun to erupt Gem spikes. Brawlers like Jacky and Nita appear to go berserk after coming in contact with them.
— CLB | Brawl Stars Leaks (@chatleaksbrawl) November 21, 2023
An undated Security Log shows a drawing of Dynamike seemingly running away from an explosion.
A new timecode was revealed: 21/11/95 18:44:18.
Day 18
New CCTV footage reveals how Spike came to be in Brawl Stars. In the video, it shows that the pink Gems from the ground fissures had touched an inanimate cactus. This results in Spike coming to life.
Starr Park's Wild West Town is getting wild-er #StarrParkCCTV
— Brawl Stars (@BrawlStars) November 21, 2023
A Security Log entry, dated 23/11/1995, acknowledges this happening.
A new timecode was revealed: 22/11/85 08:33:23.
Day 19
The Security Log entry, dated 24/11/1995, is missing. It appears to be torn off by something unknown. Nothing else happened today.
Day 20
CCTV footage has shown Dynamike placing a pink Gem on top of an arcade machine at the Starrcade. Similar to the outcome with Spike from a few days ago, the machine came to life. This appears to be 8-Bit.
New Timecoder Clip Found! 24/11/95 12:02:25 8-Bit comes to life!? What do you think of it? #BrawlStars #BizarreCircus
— CLB | Brawl Stars Leaks (@chatleaksbrawl) November 24, 2023
Today's Security Log, dated 25/11/1995, shows Rik asking if anyone has the number for the National Guard. He appears to be worried about the recent events where objects came to life.
Besides this, the telephone now plays a recording of a call between Dynamike and Starr Park Security. In the call, Dynamike reports that somebody had hit him and stole his Gems.
A new timecode was revealed: 24/11/95 12:02:25.
Day 21
A Security Log entry, dated 26/11/1995, confirms that the Starrcade was destroyed. No reason was provided, but it could be related to the incident involving 8-Bit.
Day 22
Footage from today's CCTV shows crows playing near an open ground fissure that is full of pink Gems. Colt shoots his guns to chase them away but inadvertently shoots a crow that falls into the fissure.
Colt checks the fissure, but is pulled in by a mysterious black hand. It is believed this is how Crow came to be in Brawl Stars.
New Timecoder Clip Found! 27/11/95 17:00:49 This is how Crow was born What do you think of this? #BrawlStars #BizarreCircus #StarrParkCCTV
— CLB | Brawl Stars Leaks (@chatleaksbrawl) November 27, 2023
Today's Security Log entry, dated 27/11/1995, states "Gotta remember to check the voicemail. But first lunch!'
A new timecode was revealed: 27/11/95 17:00:49.
Day 23

Rik has drawn a "Crow with a cool leather jacket" for his Security Log entry on 28/11/1995. This is alluding to yesterday's events.
Day 24
A novel entry in the Security Log, dated 29/11/1995, states that Rik has filed 12,537 incident reports in the last six weeks. In all of those, no casualties occurred.
Day 25
Dated 30/11/1995, a new Security Log entry indicates that Rik is under some distress as he has repeatedly written: "EVERYTHING IS FINE".
Day 26
New CCTV footage has emerged of Starr Park guests holding signs that read "HELP!!!"
New Timecode Found! 30/11/95 18:16:50 What do you think is happening? #BrawlStars #BizarreCircus #StarrParkCCTV
— CLB | Brawl Stars Leaks (@chatleaksbrawl) November 30, 2023
Rike has written "AHH" into a Security Log entry dated 1/12/1995. On the table in the CCTV room is the word 'SPUDE', which allegedly means Starr Park Union for Distressed Employees.
A new timecode was revealed: 30/11/95 18:16:50.
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