A variety of buffs, nerfs, and adjustments have been introduced in the Wild Rift patch 4.3a balance changes. Here is everything you need to know about it.

Wild Rift has received yet another crucial update, patch 4.3a, to stabilize the meta and improve the overall gameplay experience. In it, you can expect a variety of buffs, nerfs, and adjustments.
You can also expect the arrival of one of patch 4.3's newest champions, Vladimir, to be added to the game. He will shake up the Rift with his blood-thirsty abilities and impressive skills. Vladimir will undoubtedly be a powerful champion as he can self-sustain himself during combat.
Patch Notes 4.3a Vladimir joins the fight this patch! Annie's rework is almost here!Ghost Poros are here to grant you more vision! Balance updates! https://t.co/dv24CfyWaz pic.twitter.com/I5SUzI2I9f
— League of Legends: Wild Rift (@wildrift) August 2, 2023
Besides this, patch 4.3a will add two new skins - Hextech Annie and Nightbringer Vladimir - and kick off Vladimir's Trivia event.
That being said, here's a look at all the Wild Rift patch 4.3a balance changes.
Wild Rift Patch 4.3a Balance Changes

Like any patch, various balance changes have been added to Wild Rift that targets both champions and items.
We saw Olaf, Ornn, Rakan, Rammus, Zoe, Boots of Mana, and Plated Steelcaps nerfed. Meanwhile, Caitlyn, Graves, Gwen, Lee Sin, Leona, Samira, and Gluttonous Greaves were buffed.
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From there, only Nilah and Volibear were adjusted. Annie will also receive a massive rework, as announced previously, that will be coming to Wild Rift on August 10.
The Wild Rift patch 4.3a balance changes can be found below.
Champion/Item | Balance Change |
Annie |
Caitlyn |
Graves |
Gwen |
Lee Sin |
Leona |
Nilah |
Olaf |
Ornn |
Rakan |
Rammus |
Samira |
Volibear |
Zoe |
Gluttonous Greaves |
Boots of Mana |
Plated Steelcaps |
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